Punctuality by Time of Day Report
The Punctuality by Time of Day report displays data regarding the punctuality of return calls for one day, measured by minutes and percentage. It shows a summary page, followed by specific call detail for the date and punctuality intervals (None, 0-3, 3-5, 5-10, >10,+/- 20%, > +/- 20%, All) that you choose.
See Report Glossary for details about each field.
Punctuality Analysis (For all Callback Calls)
Total Return Calls are shown for the day, as well as the number and percentages of calls that were made within each punctuality interval.
Punctuality Distribution Analysis
An area graph is presented showing the punctuality distribution of calls according to their punctuality value in seconds. This graph is sorted chronologically, and is useful to see the times during the day that may have punctuality issues.
Punctuality by Time of Day - Punctuality Detail
Punctuality Detail is displayed for the selected punctuality interval (None, 0-3, 3-5, 5-10, >10,+/- 20%, > +/- 20%, All), and is in chronological order. Punctuality detail is displayed in the following format: