Punctuality by Percentage Report

The Punctuality by Percentage report displays data regarding the punctuality of return calls between a start and an end date measured by percentage. It shows a summary page, followed by specific call detail for the dates and punctuality intervals (None, +/- 20%, > +/- 20%, All) that you choose.

Punctuality Analysis (For all Callback Calls)

Total Return Calls are shown, as well as the number and percentages of calls that were made within 20% of the Announced EWT, and for calls that were greater than 20% of the announced EWT. An example: Announced EWT to Caller A was 10 minutes; the return call to Caller A was initiated 5 minutes before it was originally estimated. The difference was 50% and the call would appear in the > +/-20% category.


Punctuality Distribution Analysis

A line graph is presented showing the punctuality distribution of calls according to their punctuality percentage value. This graph is sorted by punctuality from the longest negative value, to the longest positive value, and is useful to see at a glance where most of your calls fell in regards to punctuality percentage, as well as the most extreme punctuality values.


Punctuality Detail

Punctuality Detail is displayed for the selected punctuality interval (None, +/- 20%, > +/- 20%, All), and is in order from the greatest negative punctuality percentage value, to the greatest positive punctuality percentage value. Punctuality detail is displayed in the following format:
