Calls Equalize Routed Report
The Calls Equalize Routed report provides information on calls that were routed from one Callback Queue Manager to another Callback Queue Manager. The Callback Equalize Route feature allows a call that originally enters one site to be treated by another site in your enterprise that has a lower wait time. It essentially helps equalize call volume across sites for efficiency.
This report allows you to drill-down through the selected days, all the way down to 30-minute intervals. One page is generated for "All Queues", and an additional page is printed for each queue. See Report Glossary for details about each field.
Equalize Routed Calls Summary
This section provides the percentage of calls that were Equalize Routed off-site, out of all calls.
If the number of Enterprise Routed calls is very small compared to the number of total calls, the percentage may be 0.0% even though Enterprise Routed calls exist.
This section also provides a graph that measures the number of Equalize routed calls over the time period requested in the report.
Equalize Routed Calls Detail
This section provides daily and/or monthly data for each queue on all Equalize Routed calls and their percentage of the total calls. This section does not provide detail for specific calls, merely summary information for the days/months specified.