Bypassed Calls Report

The Bypassed Calls report provides information on all calls that did not receive the option of a return call because all inbound ports on the Callback system were busy at the time the call entered the ACD.

If the number of Bypassed calls is high, system performance may suffer, callers may not receive consistent call treatment, and your company may potentially lose customers. For these reasons, VHT might recommend that your company upgrade the system with more ports. Adding more ports allows the Callback system to be able to handle more calls.

One page is generated for "All Queues", and additional pages are printed for each queue. If you choose all sites and all queues, the report breaks down each queue and shows data for each day. If the date span you selected goes beyond 31 days, the report generates with monthly data, showing monthly information rather than for individual days. Call Detail is available for each Bypassed call, if selected.

There are two sections to the Bypassed Calls report as described below. See Report Glossary for details about each field.

Bypassed Calls Summary

This section provides the number of Bypassed calls, and a graph that measures the number of Bypassed calls over the time period requested in the report.


Bypassed Calls by Day/Month

This section appears after the summary section. It shows the total number of calls for the day and the number and percent of bypassed calls.


Bypassed Call Detail

This section appears immediately after the Bypassed Calls by Day section for each day. It shows the Call ID, the time the call came in, and the result of the call.
