General Report Information and Settings
Reporting information is available until purged from the Callback database.
The shorter the date range for reports, the faster your results will be returned.
Be patient with larger date ranges; results will be returned.
Data for Reports can be varied and run as many times as you like.
Data settings are explained here.
Site and Queue
Site selection is found in the the user menu, located in the upper right-hand corner of the main toolbar.
To view another site:
- Click the user menu in the upper right-hand corner.
- Select Site: from the dropdown menu.
- Select the site name from the list OR begin typing the site name.
- Click the Switch Sites button.
Queue selection is found at the top right of the Reports modal.
Default is All Queues. Use the drop down to change queues.
- Queue Names only appear if they are valid for the site. See Queue Groups You Would Like Data From below for more information.
- Queue groups are determined by what is selected in site and queue.
Selecting Dates and Times
- Reports spanning multiple days need a start and end date for the data. The default values for these fields are today's date.
Click in the date field and choose from the calendar option, or enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
- Some reports ask for start and end times along with a date range. The default start time is 12:00 A.M. (12:00:00), and the default end time is 11:59 P.M. (23:59:59), for today's date.
- Daily reports only ask for the date for which you wish to compile data. Daily reports tend to have individual call data for an entire day, which can produce a large amount of data. If you need data for more than one day, you must run the report for each day. The default date is today's date.
Group Results By
Most reports offer the option to group results by Queue or Application ID.
Application ID is a way to classify contact center groups within an Aspect ACD, and it is only valid if you have an Aspect ACD. The default value for this field is Queue.
Queue Groups You Would Like Data From
You have the option to select the Queue Groups from which you would like to receive data. These options correspond to the Site and Queue that you have selected.
The Production Queue Group contains all of the live queues that you have set up within the Historical Database for the selected site. It does not include the VHT_Test Queue Group.
The VHT_Test Queue Group is a group that VHT has set up on your system for test purposes, and contains all of the test queues.
All Queue Groups pull data from both the Production Queue Group and the VHT_Test Queue Group.
Individual Queue Groups also appear if you have chosen All Sites or All Queues. Queues can be assigned to Queue Groups within System > Advanced Settings. See Adv Settings for more information.
The default value for this field is the Production Queue Group. If one site and one queue are selected, then the only option for Queue Group is all.
Call Detail
Some reports offer you an option for detailed call data relating to the report. After printing the normal summary report information, the report prints the call data for every call that fulfills the setting you requested. The default value is for no call detail, unless otherwise specified.
Punctuality by Minutes Report
Punctuality by Percentage Report
Report Type
Some reports provide summary information based upon the report type.
The Summary report type only shows summary information for the dates you have requested.
The Daily report type shows summary information broken down by day.
The Interval report type shows summary information broken down by certain intervals. These intervals can be fifteen minutes, one-half hour, or one hour depending on the report.
Reports with the Report Type option have further explanations in their corresponding sections of the User Guide.
Ancillary Information
Some reports ask you to enter specific information relating to data that prints on the report. For example:
Return Calls (ASAP Callbacks)
Since the Callback system works primarily by calling customers back, much of the report data relates to these return calls or callbacks.
Return calls can be placed into four categories:
- ASAP return calls include all customers who chose to receive a return call in the same amount of time as if they waited on hold.
- ASAP Callback via Web return calls are initiated from a Web site that is integrated with the Platform Toolkit. These return calls include all customers who chose to receive a return call in the same amount of time as if they called the contact center and waited on hold. The ability to use ASAP Callback via the Web requires ASAP Callback and the Platform Toolkit.
- Appointment return calls include all customers who chose to set up an appointment to speak with an agent at a later time (up to seven days in the future). The ability to schedule an appointment is part of the DateBook feature included with Callback Scheduled Callback.
- Appointment via Web return calls are initiated from a Web site that is integrated with the Platform Toolkit. They include all customers who chose to set up an appointment to speak with an agent at a later time (up to seven days in the future). This feature requires Scheduled Callback and the Platform Toolkit.
ASAP Callback and ASAP Callback via Web calls all work using Virtual Queuing and may sometimes be referred to as ASAP calls.