Saved Minutes Report
The Saved Minutes report provides minutes and dollars saved information for the ASAP (ASAP Callbacks and ASAP Callbacks via Web) return call types. Saved Minutes are calculated as the time that the caller would have waited on hold had they not chosen to receive a return call. Saved Minutes are tracked for each call and combined to form the total Saved Minutes. Saved Minutes are great for your customers (they don't have to wait), and great for you (you are not being billed by the phone company for these minutes). If you multiply the number of minutes saved by the cost-per-minute, you get a Total Dollar Savings. This shows you what Callback has saved you for the report time period, by eliminating the cost of hold time.
The first page of the report is a summary of all queues. Subsequent pages list the saved minutes for each queue. See Report Glossary for details about each field.
Saved Minutes Summary
This section provides summary and graphical information for the Saved Minutes information noted above. This is a summary report for requested date range with no call detail and no drill-down information. For the graph, if the date range is less than 31 days, daily data is plotted. If the date range is greater than 31 days, monthly data is plotted.
Saved Minutes Detail
This section is provided for each queue, showing a breakdown of data for each day (if span is less than 31 days), or month (if span is greater than 31 days). Dates are only shown if there is call data for that day.