Outreach Results Report

The Outreach Results report shows statistically what happened with all Outreach calls between a start and end date. Summary Call Detail is also produced according to the Report Type setting you entered (Summary, Daily, or Interval). One page is generated for "All Queues", and an additional page is printed for each queue.

See Report Glossary for details about each field.

Outreach Results by Type

This section shows the total number of Outreach calls, and shows the division of Outreach calls among the different types.


A successful reconnect for an Outreach call means that one of the following scenarios occurred:

  • • Outreach- Transfer Mode was set to DTMF and the person who was called back acknowledged the return call by pressing a valid digit (1 for ready to be transferred to queue, 9 for cancel, etc.)
  • • Outreach - Transfer Mode was set to HAILING or PVD and the person transferred to queue
  • • Outreach - Transfer Mode was set to HAIL-DISCO or PVD-DISCO and Outreach was able to play the entire message and hang up
  • • The person abandoned (hung up) after being transferred to queue
  • • The person was transferred to queue and the PBX did not return an "agent answer" event

The percentages shown are percentages of All Return Calls, i.e., each number is divided by the All Return Calls number in that row/type. The % Successful Reconnect and % Unsuccessful sum to 100%. The percentages in-between are a breakdown of Successful Reconnects, showing what the caller did after answering the phone, and sum to the % Successful Reconnect.

Unsuccessful Outreach Results by Type for Calls

This section shows the number of calls (with their corresponding percentages) for all unsuccessful Outreach calls. The total number of unsuccessful Outreach calls is shown in the title for this section.


An unsuccessful Outreach call means the caller never answered the phone when called back. Unsuccessful calls are listed according to the reason they were unsuccessful.

Call Detail

A call detail summary page is generated after the initial report according to the Report Type setting you enter. You can select Summary, Daily, or Interval.

The Summary section shows a summary page with no call detail.

The Daily section shows the summarized statistics for each day (see sample below).


The Interval section shows the summarized statistics for half hour intervals. (see sample below).
