Executive Summary by Interval Report
The Executive Summary by Interval report shows a pared-down overview of important return call statistics. This report allows you to drill-down through the selected days, all the way down to 15-minute intervals, showing the most important return call statistics.
See Report Glossary for details about each field.
Executive Summary Data for All Groups
This section shows the data for all groups in summary format. This section contains only one line of data.
Executive Summary Data by Group
This section shows the same data, but divides it by group. This section contains multiple lines of data. There is one line for each group.
Each section shows the following data:
- The number of Return Calls vs. Hold calls for callers that were given both options,
- The number of calls that entered the system while in a Return Call Only mode (Virtual Queue, Date Book, After Hours, and Agent Assist)
- The number of All Return Calls and a breakdown of those calls.
% Return Calls and % Hold sum to 100%. Adding Virtual Q, Date Book, After Hours, and Agent Assist calls to Return Calls equals All Return Calls. All Return Calls is broken into % Successful Reconnect and % Unsuccessful, and sum to 100%. The percentages listed between % Successful Reconnect and % Unsuccessful are a breakdown of Successful Reconnects.