Punctuality by Interval Report
The Punctuality by Interval report displays data regarding the punctuality of return calls between a start and an end date. It is a summary report of minutes and percentage data, and shows specific call detail. Drill-downs show summary information down to 15-minute intervals.
Punctuality Analysis Summary
This section shows the data for all groups in summary format. This section contains only one line of data.
Punctuality Analysis by Group
This section shows the same data, but divides it by group. This section contains multiple lines of data. There is one line for each group.
Total Return Calls are shown, as well as a the number and percentages of calls that had a + or - variance of 0-3 minutes, 3-5 minutes, 5-10 minutes, and greater than 10 minutes.
A second type of measure is shown at the right for Punctuality by Percentage of variance. The number of calls and the corresponding percentage are shown for calls that were made within 20% of the Announced EWT, and for calls that were greater than 20% of the announced EWT. An example: Announced EWT to Caller A was 10 minutes; the return call to Caller A was initiated 5 minutes before it was originally estimated. The difference was 50% and the call would appear in the > +/-20% category.
Punctuality for Preview Mode
In Preview Mode (only applicable for Genesys Preview Mode with Genesys Agent Desktop), Callback sends the callback information for a call to an available agent's desktop; the agent then launches the call at his/her discretion. As the above dialog box suggests, punctuality is calculated differently with this box checked: it uses the time that the call was sent to the agent, rather than the time the callback was actually initiated by the agent. This eliminates from the report any lag time that could be caused by an agent.
This Preview Mode report provides a Punctuality Distribution Analysis, which plots each callback's punctuality in terms of positive or negative seconds.