Return Call Hold Time by Interval Report
The Return Call Hold Time by Interval report shows summary information for calls between a start and an end date. You are able to enter/customize the first two time intervals that are used. See Report Glossary for details about each field.
Time Intervals
This report allows you to drill-down through the selected days, all the way down to 15-minute intervals. You may drill down by clicking on the appropriate field on the report (queue, time frame, etc...) until the desired level of detail is reached.
This report has two sections showing the same type of information.
Return Call - Hold Time Results Summary
This section shows a summary of return call hold times.
Return Call - Hold Time Results by Group
This section shows the same return call hold data, but it is divided by group.
These sections provide the number of return calls that resulted in the caller speaking with an agent. It shows the median, average, minimum, and maximum times that those same callers had to hold after they were placed in the ACD Priority Queue before speaking to the agent. It also shows a chart of the number and percentage of calls for each time interval up to >1 minute.