Max Try Again Detail Report

The Max Try Again Detail report shows each call attempt result for return calls that were unsuccessful due to "Max Try Again" events. A Max Try Again event occurs when the maximum number of Try Again attempts is reached. Try Again attempts are: Max Invalid Response, Outbound Abandon, Fax Tone Received, No Ringback, No Response, No Dial tone, and No IVR Response. Rather than place specific retry settings on each type of Try Again attempt, these items have been grouped together and are limited by the Max Try Again setting in ASAP Callback > Settings > Settings & Retry Parameters. Once the number of Try Again attempts reaches the value for Max Try Again, no further callback attempts are made. For more information see Callback Double Check.

This report also shows the other types of unsuccessful calls: No Answer, Busy Signal, and Answering Machine. These items do not result in a Max Try Again event

Both sections of this report show the same type of information. See Report Glossary for details about each field.

Summary of all Max Try Again Calls

This section shows a summary of all Max Try Again Calls, divided by type.


Max Try Again Calls by Queue

This section also shows all Max Try Again Calls, but it divides them by type and by queue.


You can drill-down on this report, down to the day, hour, or 15-Minute Intervals within an hour. Summary information is shown for those intervals.

Max Try Again Calls by Day, Hour, and 15-Minute Interval

This section also shows all Max Try Again Calls, but it divides them by type and by interval.


Click on a Call ID to View Each Outbound Attempt and the Result

You can drill-down even further, showing each call that occurred within the 15-minute interval.


Click a Call ID to see a list of each outbound attempt associated with that phone number, and the result of each call attempt.
