Executive Summary Report
The Executive Summary report provides a quick, informative overview of important return call statistics. This report is essentially a conglomeration of the most important report sections from all of the reports. One page is generated for "All Queues", and an additional page is printed for each queue.
A practical feature of this report is the use of color to match statistics across the different reports. For example, the Return Calls field is blue in every section it appears. This allows you to make a connection across all reports so the data is more meaningful.
Calls presented with Return Call and Hold options
The Return Call & Hold options section shows the breakdown of callers who chose a return call compared to the number who chose to hold.
The Return Calls total is the sum of callers who chose a return call, or chose to remain on hold.
The Return Calls count includes all returned calls, excluding Agent Assist.
The % Return Calls and % Hold total to 100%. This section is unique to the Executive Summary reports.
Calls presented with Return Call only
This section shows what callers decided to do when confronted only with the option to receive a return call. In this section, Virtual Queue, Date Book, and After Hours refer to the mode the system was in at the time the calls came in. These modes only allow return calls. This section is unique to the Executive Summary reports.
Agent Assist Return calls
This section shows the number of callbacks placed using Agent Assist.
Executive Summary - Return Calls Results by type summary
A successful reconnect means the person that was called back did one of the following:
- connected to an agent
- chose to cancel the return call
- abandoned after being transferred to the ACD Queue
- Callback did not receive the final call event from the ACD
The percentages shown are percentages of All Return Calls, i.e., each number is divided by the All Return Calls number in that row/type. % Successful Reconnect and % Unsuccessful sum to 100%.
The percentages in-between % Successful Reconnect and % Unsuccessful are a breakdown of Successful Reconnects, showing what the callers did after acknowledging they answered the phone. These percentages sum to the % Successful Reconnect.
Each percentage value is rounded to the nearest 10th, and when summed may be different from the % Successful Reconnect by .1% due to rounding.
This section was taken from the Return Call Results report. See Return Call Results for more information.
Successful Reconnect by Type Summary
This section shows the number of Successful Reconnects and the number of attempts required to reconnect to a customer, broken down by return call type.
- Subtotal A = sum of ASAP (ASAP Callback, ASAP Callback via Web (includes Platform ToolKit calls), ASAP Callback via Agent Assist, and ASAP Callbacks via Second Chance return calls); used for Saved Minutes
- Subtotal B = sum of scheduled (Appointment) callbacks, Appointment via Web, and Appointments via Agent Assist calls.
This section was taken primarily from the Successful Reconnect Attempts by Type report. See Successful Reconnect Attempts by Type for more information.
Saved Minutes Summary
Saved Minutes are great for your customers - they don't have to wait on hold! - and great for you because you are not being billed by the phone company for these minutes.
This section provides minutes and dollars saved information for the ASAP return call types. Saved Minutes are calculated as the time that callers would have waited on hold had they not chosen to receive return calls. Saved Minutes are tracked for each call and combined to form the total Saved Minutes.
If you multiply the number of minutes saved by the cost-per-minute, you get a Total Dollar Savings. This shows you the amount of savings as a result of running Callback for the report time period, by eliminating the cost of hold time.
This section was taken from the Saved Minutes report. See Saved Minutes for more information.
Callback Double Check Summary
This section shows how repeat customer calls were handled. The calls are handled based on the Callback Double Check Settings. For more information see Callback Double Check Settings.
Return Call - Hold Time Summary
This section provides the number of return calls that resulted in the caller speaking with an agent. It also shows the median and average times that those same callers had to hold after they were placed in the ACD Priority Queue before speaking with the agent.