Report Output Format
Set the default Report Output Format in Profile > Default View Settings > Report Output Format.
Once you have entered the report settings preference, click Submit, and close the modal.
All reports generate according to this Report Output Format setting until you change your preference.
Report output format options | Default report output format |
| Crystal Reports Note:
Limitations exist in exporting data to Excel. A standard spreadsheet will not be produced.
- Drill-downs are hidden pages with more detail relating to items in the report.
- Access the additional information by clicking on fields in the report.
- Crystal Reports is the only format that allows you to drill-down.
- Five reports have drill-downs:
- In Performance Reports
- Executive Summary by Interval
- Punctuality by Interval
- Return Call Hold Time by Interval
- Smart Feature Summary
- In System Reports
- Max Try Again Detail
- In Performance Reports
When using drill-downs, dates/times only appear where incoming call data exists.
Crystal Reports Interface
Choose View Report in a specific report drop down to open up the Crystal Reports Interface.
The Crystal toolbar works as follows:
- Print-Information exports to Adobe Acrobat.
PDF print function prints everything in the reports. Set the Report Output Format to PDF to save time converting and printing reports.
- Up - Return up towards main report after navigating down through different report tree branches.
- Export - Export information to another program. Enter format and page range to export. Similar to Report Output Format.
- Find...(Text) Search by keyword. Enter terms to find in the report.
- Search - Click the icon to search for the keyword.
This function does not find text on the current page; it finds the first instance of the text, beginning on the next page looking forward. For this reason, it is best to navigate to the first page before beginning your search.
- Previous / Next- navigate to the previous or next page of the report.
- Current Page - shows current page. Enter a page number to jump to that page in the report.
- Total Pages - number of pages for the report.
- Zoom - Enlarge or shrink information on the page for enhanced viewing. Reports print at 100%.
- Show/Hide Group Tree - Navigation pane for report tree links. Links to pages in the report. Click the + to see branches of the tree.
- Report Tabs - most reports open to the Main Report page. Reports with interval or call detail information will display in separate tabs. Click the tab containing the report you want to view.
Reports are rerun each time you navigate to a different page. Once the page refreshes, you will see your data. Applies when using Previous / Next, Current Page, and Zoom.
- Report data is only available within an interval if it relates to the current report. So even though there is an item in the Crystal tree, it doesn't mean there is information to view for that branch.