Appointment Results Report

The Appointment Results report displays summary information for all Appointment (scheduled) return calls. One page is generated for "All Queues", and an additional page is printed for each queue.

This report only yields information if Scheduled Callback is installed.

Appointment Call Summary

This section shows the number and type of Appointment calls compared to the total of all return calls.
Appointment Call Summary

Appointment Reconnect Attempts Summary

This section shows the number of successful attempts out of all Appointment calls (shown in the title) to reconnect to a caller, as well as how many attempts it took to reconnect to the caller. A successful reconnect means the person that was called back did one of the following: connected to an agent, chose to cancel the return call, abandoned (hung up) after being transferred to the ACD Queue, or the VHT Callback® system did not receive the final call event from the ACD. If a call attempt did not reach the caller, resulting in a successful reconnect, the call is retried until either there is a successful reconnect, or until the maximum number of return call attempts occurs.
Appointment Reconnect Attempts Summary
The Breakdown of Scheduled Days chart shows the day the caller scheduled to receive a return call, measured in days from the initial call. For example, if a caller schedules a return call for the following day, that Appointment would show in the "1 Day" category. The number of calls scheduled corresponds to the total number of return calls. Breakdown of Scheduled Days