Return Call Take Rate by EWT Report
The Return Call Take Rate by EWT report provides a breakdown of the number of callers who opted to get a return call, or remain on hold, based upon the Announced Estimated Wait Time. This is a summary report with no call detail data.
Keep in mind that the caller may not have had the option for a return call if the EWT was below the Turn-On Threshold.
The first page of the report is a summary of all queues, and subsequent pages are for each queue. The report is broken down into two sections. See Report Glossary for details about each field.
Return Call Take Rate Summary for Records: XXXX
The total number of calls is shown in the title of this section, with a graphical breakdown of the number of callers who opted to get a return call, or remain on hold.
Return Call Take Rate by EWT Summary
This section provides a graphical breakdown of the number of callers who opted to get a return call, or remain on hold, based upon the Internal Estimated Wait Time.