Publish Your Changes from the Launchpad

The Launchpad is a pre-release/staging area that holds a snapshot of your changes for you to test before you publish them to the live environment.

To publish recent changes, you must first push them to the Launchpad. The process of pushing your changes to the Launchpad creates a 'snapshot' of the Space at that particular point in time.

Changes on the Launchpad are placed in a locked state. These changes remain locked until they published or the Launchpad is cleared.

You can test the current snapshot on the Launchpad using either the MXO Extension with the Monitor page, or the Test a Touchpoint page.

What can I see on the Launchpad?

The Launchpad page provides you with a list of all the items included in the latest snapshot that you want to publish. It also provides you with the following details about each item:

  • Name of the item.
  • Type of item.
  • Item Status; is the item new, or has it been modified or deleted.
  • Date on which the item was added to the Launchpad.
  • Name of the person who added the item to the Launchpad.

Publish - Launchpad page

View Dependencies

If you publish a selection of recent changes, the main item you select is always shown at the top of Launchpad list. Any dependencies are listed below in order of their dependence.

  • To view the number of dependencies each item has, click Show dependencies.

    Launchpad - Show Dependencies

  • To view the dependencies for a single item, click the number shown for that item in the Dependencies column.

    Launchpad - View Dependencies

    A dialog appears, showing each dependency for the selected item.

    Launchpad - Dependencies details of

Publish Your Optimizations

  1. In MXO , choose Test & Publish.
  2. Click Launchpad.
  3. Click Publish to push your changes to your live environment.

Clear the Launchpad

When you unpublish a release, all the changes in the snapshot move back to the Launchpad. Because nothing else can be pushed to the Launchpad whilst it is occupied, you must clear the Launchpad if you do not intend to republish the snapshot.

When you clear changes from the Launchpad, those changes move back to the list of Recent Changes and are available for republishing at any time.

  • To clear the Launchpad, click Clear on the Launchpad page.