View the List of Recent Changes for a Space

The Recent Changes page lists all items in your Space that haven't yet been published. From here you can decide which of your recent changes you want to publish to your live environment.

What information can I view on the Recent Changes page?

The Recent Changes page provides you with a list of all recent changes you've made to your Space. It also provides you with the following details about each change:

  • Name of the item that was changed.
  • Type of item that was changed.
  • Item Status; is the item new, or has it been modified or deleted.
  • Date on which the item was last modified.
  • Name of the last person to modify the item.

Publish - Recent changes

Push Changes to the Launchpad

To publish your recent changes, you must push them to the Launchpad. The process of pushing your changes to the Launchpad creates a 'snapshot' of the Space at that particular point in time.

You can either publish all available changes in the Recent Changes list or you can select a subset of those changes to publish.

Publishing a subset of available changes, creates a 'partial release'. You may want to publish a partial release if you modify existing items in an engagement configuration. For example, if you modify an Action to add an Eligibility Rule.

When you push a partial release to the Launchpad, MXO automatically includes any dependent items in the move. MXO always checks for dependencies and includes them with parent items you push to the Launchpad.

Every time you publish a new snapshot, that snapshot becomes the Latest Release.

  1. In MXO , choose Test & Publish.
  2. Click Recent Changes.
  3. Select the changes you want to publish and click Push to Launchpad.
  4. In the Push your changes to the Launchpad dialog box, enter a name for the snapshot you want to create.
  5. Click Push to Launchpad.
  6. Click OK. A snapshot is created and added to the Launchpad page.

Anyone can push changes to the Launchpad, but only a user with Publisher rights can release the snapshot.