Business Units

Learn how to manage Business Units in your organization, including creating, editing, and removing units, to effectively assign and control access to Call Targets for specific users or teams.

On the Business Units page, you can create groups of Call Targets to be assigned to users, allowing you to limit the Call Targets that specific users can access and manage. This can be useful if some of the Managers or Viewers in your Organization belong to specific teams and only need to view Call Targets used by those teams.

Quick access: Callback > Business Unitsimage of the business units page

Adding, Editing, and Removing Business Units

To create a new Business Unit:

  1. On the Business Units page, click Add Business Unit.
  2. Name: Enter a descriptive name of your choice to identify the Business Unit.
  3. Call Targets Contained: Click within this field to select one or more Call Targets to assign to the Business Unit.
  4. Users Assigned: Click within this field to select the users you wish to assign to the Business Unit.
  5. Click Save to save your Business Unit.
example of adding a business unit

To edit an existing Business Unit, click its name on the main Business Units page, make your changes, then click Save Changes.

To delete a Business Unit, click its name on the main page, then click Delete.