Media Sets

Discover the features of the Media Sets page in Mindful Callback Organizations. Learn to manage audio files, create new media sets, and tailor the voice experience for different Call Targets.

The Media Sets page allows you to view, listen to, or update any of the audio files used during voice interactions with customers. Three default media sets (English, French, and Spanish) are available for all Mindful Callback Organizations, and you can add as many additional media sets as you need.

The Media Sets page contains a list of your Media Sets and selected information about each one. Click the View icon of an existing Media Set to view additional options.

image of the media sets page

Creating Media Sets

On the Media Sets page, clicking the Clone icon will allow you to clone a default Media Set. After cloning, you can configure new collections of audio files to customize the voice experience for different Call Targets.

Use the following steps to configure a new Media Set.

Quick Access: Callback > Media Sets

  1. Find the Media Set that you would like to use as a starting point.
  2. In the Actions column, click the Clone icon.
  3. Enter a name for the Media Set in the Name field, then save and publish your changes.
  4. Review the default voice prompts to identify any that you wish to customize.
  5. Replace audio files for any voice prompts that you would like to customize for the Call Targets that will use this Media Set.

Managing and Configuring Voice Prompts

Quick access: Callback > Media Sets > Your Media Set > Any tab

The Media Sets page is separated into three tabs, each containing a list of customizable audio prompts. Clicking any row within a tab will expand additional information and options related to a specific voice prompt and its associated audio file.

See the following details to learn more about the information provided and the process of replacing default audio files with custom files of your choice.


You can only replace default audio files when using a Media Set that you created. You cannot edit the default Media Sets. For information on how to create your own Media Set, see the Create Media Set section of this article.

image of the General Prompts Registration form

  1. Prompt Name and Play icon: Click the Play icon next to the name to listen to the audio file. The name of the prompt will help you to determine its purpose.
  2. Audio type: This field displays the type of audio that is assigned to the prompt. Possible values are:
    • Default Audio: Default audio is configured for the prompt.
    • Custom Audio: A customized audio file is being used for the prompt.
    • No Audio: No audio file is assigned to the prompt and, if configured, the Text to Speech audio will play.
  3. Description: This field contains a brief description of the audio prompt. Descriptions cannot be changed.
  4. Text to Speech: If the designated audio file cannot be played, the system will read the text in this field rather than playing a file. The value is not configurable.
  5. Only played when: When present, this field indicates a specific scenario that must occur in order for the prompt to play.
  6. Default File: This field displays the default audio file that will be played. Click Download to open it in another window.
  7. Replace Audio: This button and the drag-and-drop area allow you to choose your own audio file to replace the default file. If you need to change a custom file back to the default, you can download the default file by clicking the filename in the Default File field, then configure the voice prompt to use that file.

When adding customized audio, 8kHz, Mono, 16bit .wav files are the most efficient to use. However, the system will play files with higher bit rates, as well.

General Voice Prompts

Quick access: Callback > Media Sets > Your Media Set > General Prompts

The bulk of the audio files used for the voice experience can be found in the General Prompts tab of the Media Sets page. In this tab, you can find voice prompts for registering callbacks, connecting customers and agents, speaking dates and times, and more. Not all voice prompts are used for every callback. Some prompts are only used when specific features are enabled or in specific scenarios.

To learn how to preview and update audio files, see the Managing and Configuring Voice Prompts section of this article.

General prompts are categorized by:

  • Registration
  • Connecting Agent
  • Connecting Customer
  • Utility
  • Date/Time
  • Numbers
  • Metadata Prompts
  • Custom Metadata Media
PromptsSectionDefault Verbiage
Intro before Callback OfferRegistration(Default Silent) Introduction plays before the Callback 'offer'
ECBT Announcement during Callback OfferRegistration We can call you back in between…
ECBT Announcement During Callback Offer - Maximum ECBT PhraseRegistrationWe can call you back in more than
ECBT Announcement during Callback Offer - Minimum ECBT PhraseRegistrationWe can call you back in less than
ECBT Announcement during Callback Offer - Without Range ECBT PhraseRegistrationWe can call you back within
Offer ASAP Callback or Choose HoldRegistrationTo receive a callback, press "one". For the next available agent, press "two".
Offer ASAP Callback, Choose Hold, or Text MessageRegistrationTo receive a callback, press "one". For the next available agent, press "two". To receive a text message, press "three".
Offer ASAP Callback or Text MessageRegistration To receive a callback, press one. To receive a text message, press two.
Offer ASAP CallbackRegistration To receive a callback, press one.
Offer ASAP Callback or Scheduled CallbackRegistration To receive a callback, press one. To schedule a callback for a later time, press two.
Offer ASAP Callback, Choose Hold, or Scheduled CallbackRegistrationTo receive a callback, press one. For the next available agent, press two. To schedule a callback for a later time, press three.
Offer ASAP Callback, Choose Hold, Text Message, or Scheduled CallbackRegistrationTo receive a callback, press one. For the next available agent, press two. To receive a text message, press three. To schedule a callback for a later time, press four.
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, or Scheduled CallbackRegistration To receive a callback, press one. To receive a text message, press two. To schedule a callback for a later time, press three.
Offer Choose HoldRegistration(Default Silent) Played before sending to hold
Offer Text MessageRegistration(Default Silent) Played before sending to hold
Offer Text Message or Choose HoldRegistrationTo receive a text message, press "one". for the next available agent, press "two".
Offer Scheduled CallbackRegistration(Default Silent) Played before offering a scheduled callback
Offer Scheduled Callback or Choose HoldRegistrationTo schedule a callback for a later time, press "one". For the next available agent, press "two".
Offer Scheduled Callback or Text MessageRegistrationTo schedule a callback for a later time, press "one". To receive a text message, press "two".
Offer Scheduled Callback, Choose Hold, or Text MessageRegistrationTo schedule a callback for a later time, press "one". For the next available agent, press "two". To receive a text message, press "three".
Introductory InstructionRegistrationTo call you back, we need to gather some information. Please don't hang up until we've confirmed your callback request is complete.
Introductory Message InstructionRegistrationTo text you, we need to gather some information. Please don't hang up until we've confirmed your messaging request is complete.
ANI AnnouncementRegistrationI see that you are calling from…
ANI PromptRegistrationTo be called back at this number, press "one". to enter a different number, press "two".
ANI Message PromptRegistration To use this number press 1, to enter a different number press 2.
Unable to offer callbacks nowRegistrationWe are unable to offer you a callback at this time.
Outside of HoursRegistrationYou've reached us outside of our operational hours.
Register Callback Phone Number PromptRegistrationEnter the "ten" digit number you'd like us to call you back on, followed by the pound key.
Register Message Phone Number PromptRegistrationEnter the 10 digit number you'd like us to text you on, followed by the pound key
Register Callback Phone Number or Extension PromptRegistrationPlease enter a direct phone number or office extension, followed by the pound key.
Phone Number LengthRegistrationYour entry number must be "ten" digits. Please re-enter.
Confirm phone number entryRegistrationIf this is correct, press "one", to reenter press "two".
Duplicate RequestRegistrationIt appears you have already registered for a callback.
Messaging Unable to initiateRegistrationwe're sorry we are unable to send a text message at this time.
Company Callback Caller IDRegistrationYour callback will display a caller ID of…
Company Message IDRegistrationYour text will be coming from
Confirm Callback no EstimateRegistrationYou will receive a callback shortly.
Confirm MessageRegistrationYou will receive your text message shortly.
At approximately…
Confirm Callback with EstimateRegistrationYou can expect a callback between…
Confirm Callback with Estimate 2RegistrationYou can expect a callback…
Confirm Callback with Estimate - Maximum ECBT PhraseRegistrationYou can expect a callback
Confirm Callback with Estimate - Minimum ECBT PhraseRegistrationYou can expect a callback between
Confirm Callback with Estimate - Without Range ECBT PhraseRegistrationYou can expect a callback
Unable to Recognize your entryRegistration I'm sorry. We seem to be having difficulties.
Call center closing soonRegistrationThe call center is closing soon.
Return to hold optionRegistrationTo hold for the next available agent…
Next Day Callback OptionRegistrationTo receive a callback for the next business day…
Scheduled Callback OptionRegistrationTo schedule a callback for a later time
Final ReminderRegistration (Silent by default) This is a placeholder for a final reminder that can be played prior to saying 'good-bye' at the end of the Registration process
Max Calling Rate ExceededRegistration Due to cost restrictions we are not able to dial you at that phone number.
Invalid Callback Number Registration we are not able to dial you at that phone number.
(Max Rate) To-Enter-a-Different NumberRegistrationTo enter a different number.
Custom Callback CIDRegistrationCustom audio provided by the client (do not record this verbiage)
Return to previous menu optionRegistration To return to the previous menu
Customer Callback Greeting and Prompt with Reschedule OptionConnecting CustomerTo speak with an agent, press "one". To cancel, press "two". To reschedule a callback, press "three".
Customer Callback Greeting and Prompt without Reschedule OptionConnecting CustomerTo speak with an agent, press "one". To cancel, press "two".
Customer Callback Reschedule InstructionsConnecting CustomerYou can reschedule a callback anytime in the next
Callback CancelledConnecting CustomerYour callback request has been cancelled.
Customer Hold musicConnecting CustomerPlays 54.311 seconds of Violin Music 'rotationally'.
Now Connecting AgentConnecting CustomerNow connecting.
Agent DisconnectConnecting CustomerThe agent has disconnected.
Now DisconnectingConnecting CustomerWe will now disconnect this call.
Customer: Unreachable Apology, With RetryConnecting CustomerSorry we missed you; we'll try calling you again shortly.
Customer: Unreachable Apology, No RetryConnecting CustomerWe were unable to reach you, please call us back at your convenience.
Agent/Customer:Unable to connectConnecting CustomerWe were unable to connect you at this moment.
Please Try Calling Us AgainConnecting CustomerPlease try calling us again.
We Will Try Calling Again ShortlyConnecting CustomerWe will try you again shortly.
Prompt Agent to Connect (DTMF)Connecting AgentTo engage the caller, press "one"
Prompt Agent to Connect (voice)Connecting AgentTo connect to the caller say connect
Customer UnavailableConnecting AgentThe customer was not available.
Agent hold musicConnecting AgentPlays 54.311 seconds of Violin Music 'rotationally'.
Agent Please Hold While Customer CalledConnecting AgentPlease hold while we connect to the customer.
Now Connecting to CallerConnecting AgentNow connecting.
Voicemail ReminderConnecting AgentIf the call goes to voicemail, hang up and take the next call.
Customer DisconnectedConnecting AgentThe customer has disconnected.
Silence-1000msUtilitySilence 1000ms of silence
that is an invalid optionUtilityYour option was invalid.
please choose a valid optionUtilityPlease choose a valid option.
timed out. try againUtilityTimed out; please try again.
thank youUtilityThank you.
from nowUtility... from now.
minutesUtility… minutes…
minuteUtility… minute…
hoursUtility... hours…(used for EWT)
hourUtility... hour…(used for EWT)
andUtility... and…
pressUtility... Press...
you enteredUtilityYou entered…
theDate/Time... the...
SundayDate/Time… Sunday…
MondayDate/Time… Monday…
TuesdayDate/Time… Tuesday…
WednesdayDate/Time… Wednesday…
ThursdayDate/Time… Thursday…
FridayDate/Time… Friday…
SaturdayDate/Time… Saturday…
A.M.Date/Time… a.m…
P.M.Date/Time… p.m…
AfternoonDate/Time… Afternoon…
MorningDate/Time… Morning…
EveningDate/Time… Evening…
TomorrowDate/Time… Tomorrow…
TodayDate/Time... Today…
In TheDate/Time... in the...
At NoonDate/Time... at noon...
At MidnightDate/ mdnight...
zeroNumbers… zero…
one (digits)Numbers… one…
twoNumbers… two…
threeNumbers… three…
fourNumbers… four…
fiveNumbers… five…
sixNumbers… six…
sevenNumbers… seven…
eightNumbers… eight…
nineNumbers… nine…
tenNumbers… ten…
elevenNumbers… eleven…
twelveNumbers… twelve…
thirteenNumbers… thirteen…
fourteenNumbers… fourteen…
fifteenNumbers… fifteen…
sixteenNumbers… sixteen…
seventeenNumbers… seventeen…
eighteenNumbers… eighteen…
nineteenNumbers… nineteen…
twentyNumbers… twenty…
thirtyNumbers… thirty…
fortyNumbers… forty…
forty_fiveNumbers… forty five…
fiftyNumbers… fifty…
sixtyNumbers… sixty…
seventyNumbers… seventy…
eightyNumbers… eighty…
ninetyNumbers… ninety…
one (minutes)Numbers(used only for Spanish)
one (hours)Numbers(used only for Spanish)
Name PromptMetaDataPlease say your full name after the prompt, then press pound.
Reason for Call PromptMetaDataPlease record your reason for calling, then press pound.
Account ID PromptMetaDataPlease enter your account number now, then press pound.
Name Intro to AgentMetaDataThe caller's full name is...
Reason to Call to AgentMetaDataThe reason for call is ...
Account ID to AgentMetaDataThe caller's account number is…
Customer Callback Greeting With MetadataMetaDataHi, this is the callback requested for
Customer Callback Greeting Without MetadataMetaDataHi, this is your callback

Speech Recognition Prompts

Quick access: Callback > Media Sets > Your Media Set > Speech Prompts

The bulk of the audio files used for the Speech Recognition voice experience can be found in the Speech Prompts tab. This tab allows you to configure what your customers hear when requesting a callback by speaking responses rather than using their DTMF keypad. Note that not all voice prompts are used for every callback. Some prompts are only used when specific features are enabled or in specific scenarios.

The Speech Recognition option offers a similar experience to the standard DTMF input flow. The call flow has been modified to account for the conversational requirements. People respond differently when they can speak a response rather than pressing a digit on their phones, and that is taken into account.

Also, sometimes phone microphones malfunction and don't pick up the caller's spoken response, or the caller cannot verbally respond right away. For most menus in Speech Recognition, we offer this process:

  • We play a prompt asking for a spoken response.
    • Example: "I see that you're calling from the telephone number ending in 1 2 3 4. Should we call you back at this number?"
  • If we do not receive an audible response or do not receive a response that aligns with the prompt options, we offer a mixed prompt: respond by speaking or with a DTMF selection.
    • Example: "Let's try that again. If we can call you back at this number, say Yes or Press 1. If not, say no (2)."
  • If we do not receive a response after offering both options, we proceed to ask for only a DTMF selection.
    • Example: Sorry. If we can call you back at this number, press 1. To enter a different number, press 2.
Note: Currently only ASAP Callback speech prompts are part of the Speech Recognition beta, and the feature is available for English only. Remaining Speech Prompts are available on Media Sets and can be customized if desired but cannot be used as part of the Speech Recognition call flow yet.
PromptSectionDefault Verbiage
Introduction before RegistrationRegistration[Pause 750ms] All of our agents are currently helping other callers. [Pause 750 ms]
Expectation with ECBTRegistrationRather than wait on hold, we can contact you … [100ms]
Expectation without ECBTRegistrationRather than wait on hold, we can contact you when an agent becomes available. [Pause 750 ms]
Offer ASAP Callback or Choose HoldRegistrationWould you like us to call you back?
Offer ASAP Callback or Choose Hold with DTMF RegistrationTo receive a callback, say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] To remain on hold, say no (2).
Offer ASAP Callback or Choose Hold just DTMFRegistrationTo receive a callback, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To remain on hold, press 2.
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, Schedule, or Choose HoldRegistrationPlease say call me back, communicate via text message, schedule callback for a later time or I'll stay on hold.
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, Schedule, or Choose Hold with DTMFRegistrationYou can say call me back (1), [Pause 500 ms] text message (2), [Pause 500 ms] schedule later callback (3) [Pause 500 ms] or stay on hold (4).
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, Schedule, or Choose Hold just DTMF RegistrationTo receive a callback, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Get a text message, 2. [Pause 750 ms] Schedule a later callback, 3. [Pause 750 ms] Or to stay on hold, press 4.
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, or Choose Hold RegistrationPlease say call me back, communicate via text message or I'll stay on hold.
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, or Choose Hold with DTMFRegistrationYou can say call me back (1), [Pause 500 ms] text message (2) [Pause 500 ms] or stay on hold (3)
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, or Choose Hold just DTMF RegistrationTo receive a callback, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Get a text message, 2. [Pause 750 ms] Or to stay on hold, press 3.
Offer ASAP Callback, Schedule, or Choose Hold RegistrationPlease say call me back, schedule callback for a later time or I'll stay on hold.
Offer ASAP Callback, Schedule, or Choose Hold with DTMF RegistrationYou can say call me back (1), [Pause 500 ms] schedule later callback (2) [Pause 500 ms] or stay on hold (3)
Offer ASAP Callback, Schedule, or Choose Hold just DTMF RegistrationTo receive a callback, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Schedule a later callback, 2. [Pause 750 ms] Or to stay on hold, press 3.
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, or Schedule RegistrationPlease say call me back, communicate via text message or schedule callback for a later time.
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, or Schedule with DTMF RegistrationYou can say call me back (1), [Pause 500 ms] text message (2) [Pause 500 ms] or schedule later callback (3)
Offer ASAP Callback, Text Message, or Schedule just DTMF RegistrationTo receive a callback, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Get a text message, 2. [Pause 750 ms] Or to schedule a later callback, press 3.
Offer ASAP Callback or Text MessageRegistrationPlease say call me back or communicate via text message.
Offer ASAP Callback or Text Message with DTMF RegistrationYou can say call me back (1) [Pause 500 ms] or text message (2).
Offer ASAP Callback or Text Message just DTMFRegistrationTo receive a callback, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To get a text message, press 2.
Offer ASAP Callback or ScheduleRegistrationPlease say call me back or schedule callback for a later time.
Offer ASAP Callback or Schedule with DTMF RegistrationYou can say call me back (1) [Pause 500 ms] or schedule later callback (2)
Offer ASAP Callback or Schedule just DTMFRegistrationTo receive a callback, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To schedule a callback for a later time, press 2.
Offer only Text MessageRegistrationWould you like to communicate with us via text message?
Offer only Text Message with DTMF RegistrationTo communicate via text message, say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] To end this call, say no (2).
Offer only Text Message just DTMFRegistrationTo communicate via text message, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To end this call, press 2.
Offer only Schedule RegistrationWould you like to schedule a callback for a later time?
Offer only Schedule with DTMF RegistrationTo schedule a callback for a later time, say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] To end this call, say no (2).
Offer only Schedule just DTMF RegistrationTo schedule a callback for a later time, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To end this call, press 2.
Offer Text Message or Choose HoldRegistrationWould you like to communicate via text message or continue to wait on hold?
Offer Text Message or Choose Hold with DTMF RegistrationYou can say text message (1) [Pause 500 ms] or stay on hold (2)
Offer Text Message or Choose Hold just DTMF RegistrationTo get a text message, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Or to stay on hold, press 2.
Schedule Guide Registration[Pause 750ms] Or you can choose a later time that's convenient for you. [Pause 750 ms]
Offer Schedule or Choose HoldRegistrationPlease say schedule callback for a later time or I'll stay on hold.
Offer Schedule or Choose Hold with DTMF RegistrationYou can say schedule callback for a later time (1) [Pause 500 ms] or stay on hold (2
Offer Schedule or Choose Hold just DTMF RegistrationTo schedule a callback for a later time, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Or to stay on hold, press 2.
Text Message or Schedule GuideRegistrationPause 750 ms] You have the option to communicate with us via text message or we can schedule a callback at a later time that's convenient for you. [Pause 750 ms]
Offer Text Message, Schedule, or Choose Hold RegistrationPlease say communicate via text message, schedule callback for a later time, or I'll stay on hold.
Offer Text Message, Schedule, or Choose Hold with DTMF RegistrationYou can say text message (1), [Pause 500 ms] schedule later callback (2) [Pause 500 ms] or stay on hold (3)
Offer Text Message, Schedule, or Choose Hold just DTMFRegistrationTo get a text message, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Schedule a later callback, 2. [Pause 750 ms] Or to stay on hold, press 3.
Offer Text Message or Schedule RegistrationPlease say communicate via text message or schedule callback for a later time.
Offer Text Message or Schedule with DTMFRegistrationYou can say text message (1) [Pause 500 ms] or schedule later callback (2).
Offer Text Message or Schedule just DTMFRegistrationTo get a text message, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Or to schedule a later callback, press 2.
Okay CommonOkay
Try AgainCommonLet's try that again.
Please Try Again CommonPlease try again.
Repeat Number for Confirmation CommonThat number is … [Pause 100 ms]
Confirm Number Common[Pause 750 ms] Is that correct?
All Right CommonAll right.
Great CommonGreat.
You Can Expect a CallbackExpectationYou can expect a callback … [Pause 100 ms]
At Approximately Expectation[Pause 100 ms] … at approximately … [Pause 100 ms]
Hear that Again Expectation[Pause 750 ms] Would you like to hear this again?
Receive a Callback Shortly Expectation[Pause 750 ms] You will receive a callback shortly.
Range Pre ECBT Phrase Expectation[Pause 100 ms] … between … [Pause 100 ms]
Range Post ECBT Phrase Expectation[Pause 100 ms] ...from now. [Pause 750 ms]
Exact ECBT PhraseExpectation[Pause 100 ms] … within … [Pause 100 ms]
Maximum ECBT Phrase Expectation[Pause 100 ms] … in less than … [Pause 100 ms]
Minimum ECBT Phrase Expectation[Pause 100 ms] … in more than … [Pause 100 ms]
Gather More Information for Callback Caller Input[Pause 750 ms] To call you back we need to gather some information. Please don't hang up until we've confirmed your callback request is complete. [Pause 750 ms]
Calling From ANI Caller InputI see that you're calling from the telephone number ending in … [Pause 100 ms]
Confirm ANI for Callback NumberCaller Input[Pause 750 ms] Should we call you back at this number?
Unable to Call Number Caller Input[Pause 750 ms] We are not able to dial you at this phone number. [Pause 750 ms]
Confirm ANI for Callback Number with DTMF Caller InputLet's try that again. If we can call you back at this number, say Yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] If not, say no (2).
Confirm ANI for Callback Number just DTMFCaller InputSorry. If we can call you back at this number, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To enter a different number, press 2.
Enter Extension or Callback NumberCaller InputSay or enter the office extension or 10-digit phone number you'd like us to call you back on.
Get Started Caller InputTo get started, … [Pause 100 ms]
Enter Callback Number Caller InputSay or enter the 10-digit phone number you'd like us to call you back on.
State Callback Number Again Caller InputAgain, to receive a callback at … [Pause 100 ms]
Confirm Callback Number with DTMF Caller Input[Pause 100 ms] … say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] To enter a different number, say no (2).
Confirm Callback Number just DTMFCaller Input[Pause 100 ms] … press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To enter a different number, press 2.
Announce Callback Double Check Caller Input[Pause 750 ms] It appears you have already registered for a callback with this number. [Pause 750 ms]
Collect Additional Metadata Caller InputTo help identify you to the agent, I'd like to ask a few more questions. [Pause 750 ms]
State Caller ID Caller InputYour callback will display a caller ID of … [Pause 100 ms]
Callback Double Check Wait or Cancel Caller Input[Pause 750 ms] Would you like to keep waiting or cancel your callback request?
Callback Double Check Cancel Caller Input[Pause 750 ms] Your callback request has been cancelled.
Callback Double Check Wait or Cancel with DTMFCaller InputAgain, you can say keep waiting (1) [Pause 500 ms] or cancel (2).
Say Your Name Caller Input[Pause 500 ms] Please say your full name after the prompt, then press pound.
Record Your Reason for Calling Caller Input[Pause 500 ms] Please record your reason for calling, then press pound.
Enter Your Account Number Caller Input[Pause 500 ms] Please enter your account number now, then press pound.
Find Day and TimeScheduling[Pause 750 ms] Let's find the best day and time for your callback.
Announce TimeZone SchedulingAll time options will be in … [Pause 100 ms]
AM or PMSchedulingDo you prefer AM or PM?
You have Selected SchedulingYou've selected … [Pause 100 ms]
Repeat, Confirm, or Cancel Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Please say repeat, confirm, or cancel.
Repeat, Confirm, or Cancel with DTMFSchedulingAgain, you can say repeat (1), [Pause 500 ms] confirm (2), [Pause 500 ms] or cancel (3).
Repeat, Confirm, or Cancel just DTMF SchedulingTo repeat, press 1, [Pause 750 ms] Confirm, 2, [Pause 750 ms] or the Cancel, press 3.
AM or PM with DTMF SchedulingPlease say if you'd prefer a callback in the AM (1) or PM (2).
Today, Tomorrow, or Future DateScheduling[Pause 750 ms] Would you prefer a callback today, tomorrow, or some future date?
Tomorrow or Future Date Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Would you prefer a callback tomorrow, or some future date?
Today or Future Date Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Would you prefer a callback today or some future date?
Confirm Day Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Will that work for you?
Confirm Day with DTMF SchedulingOnce again, if this day will work for you, say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, say no (2).
Confirm Day just DTMF SchedulingIf you'd like to receive a callback on this day, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, press 2.
Is Available Scheduling[Pause 100 ms] … is available.
Next Day Available Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Okay. The next day we have is … [Pause 100 ms]
No Other Options Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] We have no other options to offer.
Available Timeslots Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Here are some available time slots for your callback. First, we have … [Pause 100 ms]
Confirm Timeslot Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Will you be available then?
Confirm Timeslot with DTMF SchedulingOnce again, if this time period will work for you, say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, say no (2).
Confirm Timeslot just DTMF SchedulingIf you can receive a callback during this time period, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, press 2.
Next Timeslot Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Okay. The next time slot is … [Pause 100 ms]
Confirm Callback Time SchedulingWe will schedule your callback at … [Pause 100 ms]
Is That Okay Scheduling[Pause 750 ms] Is that okay?
Confirm Callback Time with DTMF SchedulingOnce again, if this callback time will work for you, say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, say no (2).
Confirm Callback Time just DTMF SchedulingIf this callback time will work for you, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, press 2.
Other Callback Times SchedulingWe could also schedule your callback at … [Pause 100 ms]
Gather More Information for Text Default AudioMessaging[Pause 750 ms] To text with you, we need to gather some information. Please don't hang up until we've confirmed your request is complete. [Pause 750 ms]
Confirm ANI for Text Number Messaging[Pause 750 ms] Should we send a text to this number?
Confirm ANI for Text Number with DTMF MessagingLet's try that again. If we can send a text to the number you're calling from, say Yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] If not, say no (2).
Confirm ANI for Text Number just DTMF MessagingSorry. If we can send a text to this number, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To enter a different number, press 2.
Enter Text Number MessagingSay or enter the 10-digit mobile number you'd like us to send a text to.
Unable to Text NumberMessaging[Pause 750 ms] We can't send a text message to that number.
To Receive a Text Message At MessagingAgain, to receive a text message at … [Pause 100 ms]
Receive a Text Message Shortly Messaging[Pause 750 ms] You will receive a text message shortly.
Unable to Text Now MessagingWe're sorry, we are unable to send a text message at this time.
State Text Caller ID MessagingThe text will be coming from … [Pause 100 ms]
Confirm Mobile Phone MessagingAre you calling from a mobile phone that can receive a text message?
Confirm Mobile Phone with DTMF MessagingOnce again. If you're calling from a mobile phone that can receive a text message, say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, say no (2).
Confirm Mobile Phone just DTMF MessagingIf you're calling from a mobile phone that can receive a text message, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] If not, press 2.
We Will Send a Text Message MessagingWe will send a text message with a link that allows you to select a scheduled callback time that is convenient for you.
We Can Send a Text Message MessagingWe can send a text message with a link that allows you to select a scheduled callback time that is convenient for you.
Confirm Providing a Mobile Number MessagingWould you like to provide a mobile number?
Confirm Providing a Mobile Number with DTMF MessagingOnce again. If you'd like to provide a mobile number to receive a text messsage, say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, say no (2).
Confirm Providing a Mobile Number just DTMFMessagingTo provide a mobile number to receive a text messsage, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, press 2.
High Call Volumes End of Day[Pause 750 ms] We are currently experiencing high call volumes. [Pause 750 ms]
Call You Back Tomorrow End of DayWould you like us to call you back tomorrow?
Call You Back On End of DayWould you like us to call you back on … [Pause 100 ms]
Call You Back Next Business Day End of DayWe can call you back on the next available business day.
Hold for Next Agent End of DayOr you can hold for the next available agent.
Call You Back End of DayAgain. If you'd like us to call you back … [Pause 100 ms]
Call You Back with DTMF End of Day[Pause 100 ms] ... say yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, say no (2).
Call You Back just DTMF End of Day[Pause 100 ms] … press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, press 2.
Outside of Hours After Hours[Pause 750 ms] You've reached us outside of our operational hours. [Pause 750 ms]
Outside of Hours Schedule for Later After HoursWould you like to schedule a callback for a later time?
Outside of Hours Schedule for Later with DTMF After HoursLet's try that again. If you'd like to schedule a callback for a later time, say Yes (or press 1). [Pause 750 ms] If not, say no (2).
Outside of Hours Schedule for Later just DTMF After HoursSorry. To Schedule a callback for a later time, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] Otherwise, press 2.
Remain on Hold End of CallPlease remain on the line. [Pause 750 ms]
Unable to Offer Callback End of CallWe are unable to offer you a callback at this time.
Having Difficulties End of CallI'm sorry, we seem to be having difficulties.
Thank You for CallingEnd of Call Thank you for calling.
Goodbye End of CallGoodbye.
Unable to Connect End of CallWe were unable to connect you at this moment.
Please Try Calling Again End of CallPlease try calling again later.
Connect with the Caller After Metadata Connecting AgentAfter hearing Metadata, to speak with the caller, say Connect (or press 1).
Connect with the Caller Connecting AgentTo speak with the caller, say Connect (or press 1).
Customer Not Available Connecting AgentThe customer was not available.
Customer Has Disconnected Connecting AgentThe customer has disconnected.
Disconnect Call Connecting AgentWe will now disconnect this call.
Voicemail Instructions Connecting AgentIf the call goes to voicemal, hangup and take the next call.
Hold to Connect to Customer Connecting Agent Please hold while we connect to the customer.
Callers Name Connecting AgentThe caller's full name is … [Pause 100 ms]
Callers Reason Connecting AgentThe reason for the call is … [Pause 100 ms]
Callers Account Number Connecting AgentThe caller's account number is … [Pause 100 ms]
Caller Greeting Connecting Caller[Pause 750 ms] Hi! This is your callback.
Caller Greeting with Name Connecting Caller[Pause 750 ms] Hello, this is the callback you requested. When … [Pause 100 ms]
Speak to a Representative Connecting Caller[Pause 100 ms] ... is on the line, press 1 to speak with a representative.
Speak with an Agent or Cancel Connecting CallerPlease say speak with an agent or cancel the callback.
Speak with an Agent, Cancel, or RescheduleConnecting CallerPlease say speak with an agent, cancel or reschedule the callback.
Speak with an Agent or Cancel with DTMF Default Connecting CallerYou can say speak with an agent (1) [Pause 500 ms] or cancel (2).
Speak with an Agent or Cancel just DTMF Connecting CallerTo speak with an agent, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To cancel, press 2.
Speak with an Agent, Cancel, or Reschedule with DTMF Connecting CallerYou can say speak with an agent (1), [Pause 500 ms] cancel (2), [Pause 500 ms] or reschedule (3).
Speak with an Agent, Cancel, or Reschedule just DTMF Connecting CallerTo speak with an agent, press 1. [Pause 750 ms] To cancel this callback, 2. [Pause 750 ms] Or to reschedule, 3.
Please Call Us Back Connecting CallerPlease call us back at your convenience.
Sorry We Missed You Connecting CallerSorry we missed you. We'll try calling you again shortly.
Now Connecting Connecting CallerNow Connecting
Having Trouble Connecting With Agent Connecting Caller We're having trouble connecting with an agent.
Disconnect Call And Try Again Connecting Caller We will disconnect this call and try reaching you again shortly.
Rescheduling Connecting Caller Okay. Rescheduling.
Agent Has Disconnected Connecting CallerThe agent has disconnected.

Voice Scheduling Prompts

Quick access: Callback > Media Sets > Your Media Set > Voice Scheduling Prompts

The Voice Scheduling Prompts tab contains audio files used for the voice scheduling experience. These prompts guide customers through the process of selecting or specifying a date and time for a scheduled callback.

To learn how to preview and update audio files, see this article's Managing and Configuring Voice Prompts section.


Registration prompts are played while offering callback or messaging options to customers and collecting basic information from them. This section includes additional registration prompts to walk customers through the process of scheduling a callback for a specific day and time.

Additional registration prompts can be configured in the General Prompts tab.

PromptSectionDefault Verbiage
Return to the Choose Timeslots Menu OptionRegistration To hear more times
Announce the local time zone for available timeslotsRegistration All time options will be in
Ask for Mobile NumberRegistration If you are calling from a mobile phone that we can text, press one otherwise press two
Scheduling Message Introduction with Mobile NumberRegistrationWe will send you a text message with a link that allows you to select a scheduled callback time that is convenient for you
Scheduling Message Introduction without Mobile NumberRegistrationWe can send you a text message with a link that allows you to select a scheduled callback time that is convenient for you. To provide a mobile number for us to text you on press one otherwise press two
Morning/Afternoon Scheduling MenuRegistration For AM press one, for PM press two
at' (plural)UtilityEnglish does not use this file

Time Zone Prompts

Quick access: Callback > Media Sets > Your Media Set > Time Zone Prompts

The Time Zone Prompts tab contains prompts for any time zones enabled for your Organization. The prompts in this tab will vary based on how your Call Targets are configured and whether international dialing is enabled for your Organization.

From here, you can preview or update the audio file that will be played when speaking any of your configured time zones.

To learn how to preview and update audio files, see the Managing and Configuring Voice Prompts section of this article.

If your Call Target business hours are configured to use different time zones, it is important to clearly state the appropriate time zone to customers on each Call Target. This can prevent confusion and ensure that customers have accurate expectations of the time they will receive a callback.


The default collection of audio prompts only includes a file for Eastern Time. For all other time zones, you will need to upload a custom prompt to ensure that customers are aware of the time zone for their callbacks.

PromptCategoryDefault Verbiage
US!AlaskaStandard AbbreviationsAlaska Time
US!AleutianStandard AbbreviationsHawaii-Aleutian Time
US!CentralStandard AbbreviationsCentral Time
US!EasternStandard AbbreviationsEastern Time
US!HawaiiStandard AbbreviationsHawaii Time
US!MountainStandard AbbreviationsMountain Time
US!PacificStandard AbbreviationsPacific Time

Use the following steps to upload a new time zone voice prompt:

  1. On the Call Target page, in the Hours tab, select the appropriate time zone in the Time Zone dropdown menu then click Save Changes. Note that a warning message will appear on screen to advise you to upload a custom audio file for the selected time zone.image of the call target hours tab
  2. On the Media Sets page, open the Media Set that is assigned to the Call Target in question.

  3. Open the Time Zone Prompts tab. You should see an entry for the Call Target time zone you configured in the previous step. Note that this entry will not appear until you have changed the time zone for the Call Target.

    image of the time zone prompts tab
  4. Upload a custom audio file to speak the time zone (for example, "Mountain Time" or "Mountain Standard Time"). Save and publish the changes before leaving the tab.

Tip: Looking for a specific audio file? Type the name of the prompt in the search field to quickly highlight what you're looking for.
example of using the search feature

Custom Metadata Media

On the General Prompts tab and the Speech Prompts tab, the Custom Metadata Media section serves the same purpose as the Metadata Prompts section but only contains prompts for custom metadata. One audio file prompts customers to enter metadata, and another is played to agents before playing the recorded metadata from the customer.

The custom metadata media section allows you to upload your own audio file to play to customers while prompting them for additional information that will be stored in a metadata item.

Use the following steps to upload a custom audio file for a Metadata item.

  1. From your Media Set, within the General Prompts tab, locate the Custom Metadata Media section.
  2. Click the row associated with the customer prompt that you would like to replace. The customer prompt will be named your_<metadata item name>. The row will expand to present additional fields.
  3. Repeat the previous step for the associated agent prompt. The agent prompt will be named agent_<metadata item name>.
  4. Upload your custom audio file by following the on-screen instructions.
  5. Click the Play button to preview your audio file after the upload is complete.
  6. Save and publish your changes.

Custom metadata media prompts only become available to edit once Custom Prompt has been specified in the Prompt dropdown menu for a Metadata item.

your_<Metadata item>Plays a custom-uploaded audio file to customers to collect custom metadata for the specified Metadata item
agent_<Metadata item>Plays a custom uploaded audio file to the agent before speaking custom metadata collected from the customer for the specified Metadata item