Understanding call detail events and outcomes

Learn how to interpret Call Detail reports and understand the implications of different outcomes.

This article expands upon Call Detail reports and the Outcomes graph. To view a list of the callback events that contribute to each outcome on the Outcomes graph, see the Understanding the Outcomes Graph section. To view definitions of each data point included in an exported Call Detail report, consult the Understanding Exported Call Detail Reports section.

Understanding the Outcomes Graph

The following tables show which callback events result in specific Outcomes that are shown on the Outcomes graph. By mapping each outcome to the specific events that caused it, you can more fully analyze or troubleshoot the behavior of Call Targets in your Organization.

The Outcomes graph can be found on the Callback Status screen and is updated in real-time.

image of a sample Outcomes pie chart

The SystemHangup event does not indicate an issue or error with the system. Rather, it represents the last event processed for an interaction even when that interaction was successful.

In most cases, a SystemHangup event is triggered when the system disconnects a call after a timeout period has elapsed. For example, the PromptCustomer:SystemHangup event indicates that no response was received from a customer before a timeout caused the system to disconnect.

Similarly, the AgentHangup and CustomerHangup events specify the last event processed for the interaction but do not indicate a system error.

Consult the associated OutFate and FinalFate, if available, to gain more context on the final outcome of the call.

Outcome: Success

The callback was successful from beginning to end. The customer received a callback and spoke with an agent.

Call phaseStatusOutFateFinalFate
TalkingPartiesTalking:CustomerHangupSpoke With AgentSpoke With Agent
PartiesTalking:SystemHangupSpoke With AgentSpoke With Agent
PartiesTalking:AgentHangupSpoke With AgentSpoke With Agent

Outcome: Canceled

The callback was canceled after being dialed. The caller did not speak with an agent.

Call phaseStatusOutFateFinalFate
Connecting (Agent First)PromptCustomer:SystemHangupNo Response
PromptAgent:CanceledAgent Canceled Call
Connecting (Customer First)PromptCustomer:CanceledCustomer CanceledCanceled
Talking (Agent First)PartiesTalking:AgentHangup

Outcome: Unavailable

The customer was not available to speak with an agent at the time of the callback. This outcome includes callbacks that exhaust the maximum number of retries allowed.

Call phaseStatusOutfateFinalFate
Connecting (Agent First)Reschedule
PromptCustomer:AgentHangupCalling Customer Agent Canceled
CallingCustomer:AgentHangupCalling Customer Agent Canceled
CallingCustomer:SystemHangupNo Response
PromptAgent:AgentHangupAgent No Response
Reschedule:SystemHangupCallback Rescheduled
Connecting (Customer First)RescheduleCallback Rescheduled
PromptCustomer:SystemHangupCustomer No ResponseMax Retry
PromptCustomer:CustomerHangupCustomer No Response
CallingCustomer:CustomerBusyCall to Customer Busy
Talking (Agent First)EarlyHangup

Outcome: Not Completed

No callback was made because the registration process was not completed successfully.

Call phaseStatusOutFateFinalFate
RegisteringCallIncoming:CustomerHangupCustomer Hangup
CallIncoming:SystemHangupSystem Hangup
ConditionCallTargetOutsideHours:CustomerHangupCustomer Hangup
ConditionDuplicateCallback:SystemHangupSystem Hangup
ChoseToHold:AgentLegErrorCall to Agent Error
EndOfBusinessDay:CustomerHangupCustomer Hangup
ConditionDuplicateCallback:CustomerHangupCustomer Hangup

Outcome: Chose Hold

The customer chose to wait on hold after being offered a callback.

Call phaseStatus

Outcome: Abandoned

The customer abandoned the call before speaking with an agent.

Call phaseStatus

Outcome: Unknown

The callback was not completed, and the reason is not known. The callback was rescheduled for a later time, if possible.

Call phaseStatusOutFate
Connecting (Agent First)Reschedule:SystemHangupCallback Rescheduled

Outcome: Failure

The callback attempt failed to reach the customer or the contact center.

Note: The Call Detail report does not include failed transfers to the contact center if a customer chooses to wait on hold. A failure to reach the contact center will only be reported for callback interactions.
Call phaseStatus

Outcome: Chose Messaging

The customer chose to receive a text message rather than registering a callback.

Call phaseStatus

Outcome: Text Scheduling

The customer chose to schedule a callback via text messaging.

Call phaseStatus

Understanding Exported Call Detail Reports

Consult the following table for definitions of each column found in exported Call Detail reports.

Call Target IDName of the Call Target used for the call.
IdentifierA unique identifier corresponding to the call.
First Attempt IdentifierDisplays the original Dispatch ID associated with the callback request.If the original Dispatch ID does not match the Dispatch ID of the record, then the call record is associated with a retry attempt.
CallerThe caller's callback phone number.
ANIThe caller's callback ANI.
Callback Launch TimeThe date and time that the callback was scheduled to be processed.For ASAP calls, this is the time at which the callback was registered, plus the minimum callback delay. For scheduled callbacks, it is the time at which the call is scheduled to launch.
Created AtThe date and time the call detail record was created
Dynamic DNIS MappingIndicates which mapping was used for the callback attempt. Shown in key:value format.
ECBTRepresents the Estimated Callback Time (ECBT) for this associated callback request or attempt, in seconds. This is the actual calculated ECBT, not the +/- 20% range that is quoted to customers and considered in Punctuality calculations.
Talk TimeThe number of seconds that the caller and agent spent speaking before the call was disconnected.
SourceIndicates the source of the callback request.The format is source:<id><device>, where <device> is the endpoint from which the request was made.
Final StatusThe most recent status of the callback as reflected by the most recent call events .
OutcomePossible values include:
  • Abandon: The callback was abandoned by the caller before speaking with an agent.
  • Canceled: The callback was canceled by the caller or via the user interface.
  • Failure: The callback attempt failed.
  • Not Completed: The caller did not complete the callback registration process.
  • Success: The callback was completed successfully.
  • Unavailable: The callback to the customer was not successful (no answer or voicemail).
  • Unknown: Unknown outcome.
Retry AttemptShows whether or not a retry was attempted for the associated callback.
Retry ReasonPossible values include:
  • admin forced: The callback request was made by a user via the user interface.
  • agent leg rejected: The call to the agent was rejected.
  • agent_busy: The call to the contact center resulted in a busy signal.
  • agent_hangup: The call to the contact center ended with the agent leg being disconnected.
  • agent_leg_error: The call to the contact center resulted in a telephony error.
  • agent_leg_timeout: The call to the contact center failed due to a dial timeout.
  • customer leg rejected: The call to the customer failed to connect due to a carrier rejection, likely due to an incorrect or incorrectly formatted ANI.
  • customer_busy: The call to the customer resulted in a busy signal.
  • customer_leg_error: The call to the customer failed to connect due to an error, or the call was unable to reach the terminating carrier.
  • customer_leg_timeout: The call to the customer failed due to a dial timeout.
  • customer_reschedule: The call to the customer resulted in the customer rescheduling the callback.
  • early agent hangup: (Agent First only) - The call to the customer was very brief, and a retry was triggered.
  • premature_customer_hangup: The customer disconnected the call and did not press 1 on the previous callback attempt.
  • system_ended_agent_leg: The callback ended with the system disconnecting the call to the contact center.
  • system_ended_customer_call: The callback ended with the system disconnecting the call to the customer.
Callback PatternIndicates whether the callback used an Agent First or Customer First Callback Strategy.
Processed AtRepresents the time at which the first leg of the callback was launched (to either the customer or contact center).
Customer Hold TimeThe number of seconds that the customer waited to speak with an agent.
Registration DurationThe number of seconds the call was in a state of registering for a callback.
Response TimeThe number of seconds between the time that the callback was requested and launched.
Estimate Percent AccuracyA percentage representing the delta, in seconds, between the estimated response time (equivalent to ECBT) and the actual response time.
Has Retry?Indicates whether or not the call request has another retry remaining or if this was the final attempt.
Estimate DeviationRepresents the absolute value, in seconds, between the Estimated Callback Time and the actual callback time.
Waitlist DelayThe number of seconds the callback spent on the waitlist waiting to be launched.
Agent DelayThe number of seconds between the time the agent queue was dialed and the time that the agent accepted the call by pressing 1.
Customer DelayThe number of seconds between the time the customer was called and the time that the customer acknowledged the callback by pressing 1.
Agent Wait DurationThe average amount of time the agent waited for the other party.
TimelineA list representing each stage of the associated call.

When looking at events on a Call Detail report, certain outcomes may indicate a more serious issue that warrants further investigation. These will appear in the exported Call Detail report under the Retry Reason column:

  • agent_busy: The call to the contact center resulted in a busy signal.
  • agent_leg_error: The call to the contact center resulted in a telephony error.
  • agent leg rejected: The call to the agent was rejected.
  • agent_leg_timeout: The call to the contact center failed due to a dial timeout.

The following outcomes are not troublesome on their own, but they may indicate a problem if they appear repeatedly in your Call Detail report:

  • customer_busy: The call to the customer resulted in a busy signal.
  • customer leg rejected: The call to the customer failed to connect due to a carrier rejection, likely due to an incorrect or incorrectly formatted ANI.
  • customer_leg_timeout: The call to the customer failed due to a dial timeout.

In both leg_error and leg rejected outcomes, either on the agent side or customer side, an agent or customer is never actually interacting with the call. The errors and rejections are preventing the called party from participating/listening to the prompts.

  • leg_error typically represents a temporary issue associated with the network, such as an inability to reach a phone number due to network congestion. If there is no reported incident with Mindful, this would mean there is an issue with the call center or gateway.
  • leg rejected outcomes typically represent call failures that would never work given the parameters of the call. Examples might include a poorly formatted number or a phone number to a country code that is not supported by the carrier.