Call detail

Explore the functionalities of the Call Detail page.

The Call Detail page provides real-time and historical information on all interactions. From here you can view a detailed breakdown of all events that occurred for any interaction. You can also view aggregate data on the number of active and completed interactions in various states. In addition to visually presenting the data for analysis, the Call Detail page also allows you to export reporting data in CSV format.

To learn how to interpret the columns in an exported Call Detail report, see Understanding Call Detail Events and Outcomes.

Note: The Mindful platform logs users out after a period of inactivity, but this can be disabled on real-time reporting pages. Disabling the timeout can be useful if you display real-time reports on a wallboard or other device that does not require regular user input to the platform. To learn more, see How to Disable Session Timeouts on Reporting Pages.
image of the call detail page

Call Detail Filters

On the Call Detail page, you can generate a Call Detail report by configuring the various filters, then clicking Export. These filters also determine which calls are displayed for further analysis.

image of call detail filters

Use any combination of the following customizable filters to determine the data that will be included in the Call Detail report.

  1. Filter by Date: Click anywhere in the field to reveal the date selector calendars, and select the beginning and end dates that you would like to include.
  2. Filter by Call Target or Category: Click this dropdown menu to limit your search to a specific Call Target or reporting category.
  3. Include all call attempts: Select this box if you would like the report to include all call attempts, including those which failed or were incomplete.
  4. Filter by Source and/or Type: Select the types of interactions that you would like to include in the report:
    • Web: Calls that originated from a web widget
    • Voice: Calls that originated from a voice interaction
    • Messaging: Interactions that included an SMS message
    • ASAP: Callbacks designated to be returned as soon as possible
    • Scheduled: Callbacks that were scheduled for a specific future date and time
  5. Filter by Event: Select one or more events to limit the data in the report to only interactions that included those events. The value is set to No Event Filter by default. The following lists include all events that you can select in this filter.
    • Registration Events: Choose to Hold, Chose Messaging Succeeded, Chose Messaging Failed, Duplicate Request, Outside of Hours, End of Business Day, Next Day Callback Offered, Next Day Callback Scheduled, Max ECBT Exceeded, Max Scheduled Exceeded, Max Rate Exceeded, Interaction Started, Interaction Response, SMS Timeout, Blacklisted Callback Number
    • Pending Events: Confirmation Notification Initiated, Confirmation Notification Failed, Reminder Notification Initiated, Reminder Notification Failed
    • Connecting Events: Priority Queue Timed Out, Used Adaptive Callback, Rescued from Agent Disconnect, Rescheduled, Early Hangup, Leave Voicemail, Final Attempt Notification Initiated, Final Attempt Notification Failed
    • Final Events: Customer Hangup, Agent Hangup, System Hangup, Customer Leg Error, Agent Leg Error, Customer Busy, Agent Busy, Customer Leg Rejected, Agent Leg Rejected, Customer Leg Timeout, Agent Leg Timeout, Cancel
  6. Filter by Phone Number: Enter a specific customer's phone number to include interactions with that customer only, or leave the field blank to include all customers.
  7. Summary bar: Click any of the boxes in the summary bar to further filter the reporting data on the Call Detail page. For example, clicking the Connecting box will add a filter to only show interactions in the Connecting state, in addition to the other filters selected.

Call Detail Summary Bar

The summary bar provides a high-level overview of the status of each interaction within the specified date range. This color-coded graphic displays the number of calls in each of the following states, whether they are currently active or ended.

image of the call detail summary bar
  • Registering: This box displays the number of calls in which the customer is currently requesting (registering) a callback. The Ended value represents callbacks that ended in the registration phase, meaning that the customer hung up before registration was completed and the call was not registered as a callback.
  • Pending: This box displays the number of callbacks that are currently awaiting launch. This includes any callbacks scheduled to launch between now and exactly one week from now. The Ended value represents callbacks that ended in the pending phase.
  • Connecting: This box shows the number of interactions that are currently connecting with an agent or customer. These callbacks have been dialed to at least one party, but both parties have not yet connected. The Ended value represents callbacks that ended in the connecting phase.
  • Talking: Here you can see the number of calls for which both parties are currently connected. The Ended value represents callbacks that ended in the talking phase, and would therefore be considered successful calls.
  • All: This box displays the total number of completed calls for the specified date range.

Filtering Reporting Data

You can click any of the boxes in the summary bar to further filter the reporting data on the Call Detail page. For example, clicking the Connecting box will add a filter to only show interactions in the Connecting state, in addition to the other filters selected.

Call Detail Export

The Export button on the Call Detail page will generate a report in CSV format and make it available for download on the Exports (or Reports) page.

After exporting a report, you will automatically be taken to the Export page. When the report shows complete in the Progress column, click the Download button to obtain the report.

image of the exports page

Call Detail Events and Timeline

The Call Detail page lists each interaction that falls within the configured filters in its own row. A non-expanded row will show the Call Target involved in the interaction, the customer's ANI and/or phone number, timestamps for the beginning and end of the interaction (if applicable), and the duration of the interaction (if applicable).

Clicking any row will expand it and display a range of information about a particular interaction. Beneath that, a list of variables and metadata used to process the selected interaction will be shown. In addition, a timeline of call events will be displayed to help you analyze everything that occurred for that interaction.

Understanding Call Detail Events

When you expand a row, call events will be presented in a timeline that is separated into four stages: Registering, Pending, Connecting, and Talking. The following information can help you to understand and interpret the information presented in the timeline.

image of call detail events on the timeline
  1. Registering: In the Registering stage, the customer or a web widget is currently requesting (registering) a callback with the system. Events on this part of the timeline are displayed in gray.
    • For voice interactions, a call in this stage indicates that the customer is currently interacting with the voice menu, providing their callback phone number, or confirming their desired callback time. For widget interactions, a Registering event will occur the moment that the system receives the API request from the widget.
  2. Pending: In the Pending stage, callbacks are currently awaiting launch. Events on this part of the timeline are displayed in light blue.
    • For ASAP callbacks, these calls are on the internal waitlist and will be launched as soon as possible. For scheduled callbacks, these calls could be waiting for their scheduled time, or getting close to it.
    • The Confirmation and Reminder SMS notifications will log events in the Pending stage; once when they are initiated, and again if they fail for any reason.
  3. Connecting: In the Connecting stage, callbacks are currently connecting with an agent or customer. Events on this part of the timeline are displayed in dark blue.
    • These callbacks have been dialed to at least one party, but both parties have not yet connected. The Connecting stage often covers only a brief amount of time lasting a few minutes or less.
    • The Final Attempt SMS notifications will log events in the Connecting stage.
  4. Talking: In the Talking stage, both parties to a call are currently connected and speaking with each other. Events on this part of the timeline are displayed in green.
    • Events in this stage will show you exactly how long the customer and agent spoke, and who disconnected the call first. You can also get an idea of how the call ended by reviewing the events in this stage.
Note: Maximum Call Duration - If an active (inbound or outbound) call does not end within 24 hours, Mindful will automatically end and finalize the call. This ensures that active calls cannot be left in queue for multiple days. Note that this does not apply to pending callbacks waiting to be dialed, but only to active inbound or outbound calls.

Manually Launching or Canceling Callbacks

You may see one or more buttons above the Call Detail timeline which allow for manual call control. Depending on the status of the interaction, you can manually cancel a callback, dial a callback immediately, or retry a failed callback directly within an expanded row.

Image of Call Now buttonClick to launch a pending callback immediately.
Image of Cancel Callback buttonClick to cancel a pending callback.
Image of Retry Callback buttonClick to retry a failed callback that has no more retries available.

Locating Phone Numbers

Call Detail records provide several phone numbers for reporting purposes:

  • The customer's ANI detected by the system
  • The phone number actually dialed (which could differ from the ANI)
  • The phone number assigned to the Call Target, if applicable

Consult the graphic below for help locating a specific phone number and interpreting the different numbers included in each record.Screen capture of a Call Detail with key areas called out

  1. ANI Detected: This number represents the phone number automatically detected by the system. The ANI is prefixed with "ANI" in the top bar of each row and in the expanded call data. An ANI will only appear when the Announce ANI setting is enabled.
  2. Phone Number Dialed: This number could be the ANI or a different number provided by the customer. Either way, it also represents the number that was actually dialed to place the callback. If this number differs from the ANI, it means the customer chose not to accept the detected ANI as their phone number, and provided an alternative number instead. The dialed number is listed next to the Most Recent Attempt label in the expanded call data.
  3. Source phone number: If the interaction began with a call to the Call Target's assigned phone number, that number will appear in the expanded call data prefixed with source:Phone.

Reporting on Scheduler Interactions

You can select WEB in the Source filter to view only Scheduler interactions. To confirm that an interaction came from a Scheduler Widget, look for Source:CBWidget above the timeline for any interaction.