
Technical error reporting provides a quick snapshot of the parts of your website that need the most urgent attention to fix common errors. It's a great way to focus on fixing the problems that are have the biggest potential impact on visitor experience.

Note: To change the selected date range, on the top-left of the screen, click the date range dropdown menu. By default, this is set to Last 7 full days (excluding today).

Available technical reports

To view technical reports, on the navigation bar, go to Analyze > Technical.

The following technical reports are available:

Applying a segment to a technical report

  1. On the error report summary screen, click Segment.
    Note: Segment is not available in HTML search reporting.
    Segment dropdown menu in the page performance report
  2. In the Segment dropdown menu, select a segment.

  3. Click Apply changes.

The segment is applied to the technical report. In the image below, the Mobile segment is applied, so the technical report only displays data from sessions using a mobile device.Mobile segment applied to page performance report

Downloading technical reports

Hover overSave data ... icon Save data ... and click either CSV or JSON depending on the file type you want to download.
Note: You can't download HTML search reports.
Downloading a technical report

Exporting session replay data in technical reports to CSV

  1. In the technical report sessions list, click Export.Export dropdown menu in sessions list

  2. Click Export as CSV.

    The Export type window appears.

  3. Click Next.

    The Export name window appears.

  4. In the Export type window, select if you want to export Sessions or Pageviews.

  5. (Optional) In Please confirm the file name., rename the CSV file.

  6. In Retention, select the length of time you want to archive the CSV file.

  7. Click Export.

The data begins to export. While exporting, the data appears on the Recent exports table with a Pending status.Recent exports table with "Pending" session CSV file

The exported CSV file is retained the archive for the length of time you selected. To download the CSV file, in the Actions column, click Download button Download.