Policies: Types of data in Agent Connect

Types of Data in Agent Connect

End customer information required by Agent Connect

The customer service representatives or Client Organization will supply the following data about their customers. This information is used to execute a feedback request via the Agent Connect web application or via an encrypted API request:

  1. Customer email address

  2. Customer name

  3. Customer phone number

  4. Customer custom identifier

As described in more detail below, all of the above data is encrypted in transit and encrypted at rest, and other additional layers of controls are in place to protect the privacy and security of this information.

Employee information collected by Agent Connect

In order to create accounts for customer service representatives/employees, the following information is needed about the employees using the system to request feedback:

  1. Employee first name (required)

  2. Employee last name or initial (required)

  3. Hometown of the employee (optional)

  4. Home state or country of the employee (required)

  5. A description of the employee's interests (within 140 characters, optional)

  6. A photo or avatar image of the employee (optional)

Employee accounts are created by a Company Administrator, who can either create the employee's entire profile or invite the employee to confirm his/her account and then complete a profile in the Connect system.​All employee account creations go through a validation process in which Manager accounts (previously created by the Company Administrator) receive an approval request after an employee creates an account. Only after the Manager has approved the employee account can the employee then have feedback request emails sent to customers from the Connect system.

Download the full policies document in the Information and Security article.