April 2019 Release Notes

Important changes made to Medallia Agent Connect in the April 2019 release:

Stella Connect Slack app

What is it?

Install the Agent Connect Slack app to enable an unfurled preview of feedback when copy and pasting a Connect response shareable link in Slack.

Why does it matter?

Installing this app adds context to conversations in Slack, allowing you to highlight feedback to anybody in your organization without requiring that they have a Agent Connect login. Use this to recognize top performers, to share company level insights, or to take action on negative feedback.

How do you use it?

Navigate to the Integrations screen on the admin panel, and follow the instructions to install the app. When installed, you see a notification that states the app has not been reviewed or approved by Slack. We want to ensure the app installation lives inside of Agent Connect, so this notification is only in reference to the fact that our app is not discoverable inside of the Slack app directory, and should not be a cause for concern. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager with any questions.

Note: The app does not automate the sharing of Connect feedback in Slack.

Date range filters on the Stream

Filter by date on the Stream

What is it?

Filter your Stream data and performance metrics to a specific date range.

Why does it matter?

Filtering your Stream by date range allows you to easily keep track of time-bound goals, like a monthly star rating metric directly from the Stream.

How do you use it?

Find this feature on the Stream in the left-hand filters sidebar, below the search function.

See original ticket

See original ticket from feedback

What is it?

We now always show the link to the original ticket underneath each piece of feedback on the Stream whenever provided.

Why does it matter?

In a recent survey of our users, we learned that getting feedback without having the ability to review the source details from the interaction can be extremely frustrating. Having a way to link back to the original ticket provides critical context to Team Members, making feedback more relevant and enabling team members to better self-coach. Before this update, Team Members were only able to see the link back to the original ticket if they were able to see customer names/emails on the Stream. We have de-coupled these settings, and now always show the link to the original ticket without updating your customer details visibility settings.

How do you use it?

No action is required from you. All users see the link to the source ticket on their Stream whenever provided. If you have concerns with giving certain users access back to the original ticket, contact your Client Success Manager, who can disable this for you.

Limit customer information in exports

What is it?

Ability to limit who can export customer information.

Why does it matter?

Today, anybody who can see customer information on the Stream is able to export customer information if they also have the ability to export. For an added level of security, we can now exclude customer information from exports without changing how customer information appears on the Stream. This feature is useful for companies who are worried about giving export capability to users because they do not want users to be able to download customer PII onto their desktops.

How do you use it?

Contact your Client Success Manager, who can enable this feature for you.

Limit profile approvals

Limited approval of profiles

What is it?

The ability to limit profile approvals to admins only.

Why does it matter?

Today, all Team Leaders can approve profiles for their own team. We know that for some teams, this process can be difficult to monitor and might take time away from Team Leaders when they could instead be focusing on more important responsibilities. For these teams, we now have a way to limit profile approvals to admins only.

How do you use it?

Contact your Client Success Manager, who can enable this feature for you.

Update to default survey text

Default survey text

What is it?

We have updated our default star rating survey text from Overall, how would you rate the call? to How satisfied are you with the service you received from %agentFirstName% today? for all new clients.

Why does it matter?

We have done some testing around our default survey text, and found that including the agent's first name makes it more likely that the survey comment will be about the agent. This helps reduce the number of feedback responses with star ratings attributed to something outside of the agent's control.

How do you use it?

We recommend that you take a look at your survey text and make changes to include the agent's first name. Reach out to your Client Success Manager with any questions regarding how to make changes.

Flexible metrics

Flexible metrics in the Stream

What is it?

The ability to change the metrics displayed on the Stream and on the Leaderboard.

Why does it matter?

We now have a way to configure the metrics displayed on the Stream and on the Leaderboard. Today, by default the Stream displays response rate and star rating, and the Leaderboard always shows star rating. With this change, you can select to replace either of these metrics with percent positive or percent five stars. This is important for teams that manage to metrics other than response rate and star rating, and want their Team Members to be able to view progress against these metrics. Today, this feature is limited to the Stream and Leaderboards only.

How do you use it?

Contact your Client Success Manager, who will enable this feature for you. Once enabled you will have the ability to configure this yourself using the dropdown menu on the Stream. You will be able to configure the Leaderboard metrics where you currently configure the Leaderboard time period.

Custom Areas of improvement administration

What is it?

The ability to manage your areas of improvement through an admin screen.

Why does it matter?

Within your admin settings page, you now have a new tile for Areas of Improvement. From this page, you can re-order your six areas of improvement or activate any custom areas of improvement added for your company.

How do you use it?

Simply navigate to your admin settings and click the Areas of Improvement tile. Your Client Success Manager can help you add custom areas to select from on this page.

Survey in-channel

In-channel survey link

What is it?

The ability to send a Connect request in-channel via a link as opposed to by email.

Why does it matter?

Some companies might prefer to send a Connect request in-channel in order to survey a customer directly within the interaction. This option also provides the ability to survey customers when their email address is unknown. We now have a way to support in-channel surveying dependent on whether your provider can support it.

How do you use it?

Contact us to discuss if your provider can support it.

Kustomer Data Return and survey recovery

What is it?

Return Connect response data back into Kustomer after the response is received.

Why does it matter?

For companies using Kustomer, you now have a way to flow customer feedback back into your original Kustomer tickets through our Kustomer data return. This gives agents and managers a complete view of an interaction directly at the source, and enables more complex reporting within Kustomer or your BI tools.

You can now also enable an end-to-end service recovery workflow in Kustomer. Creating a service recovery workflow enables you to identify customers who need to be contacted after negative experiences to make things right. A follow-up Agent Connect feedback request can then be triggered after the service recovery interaction to measure changes in customer sentiment.

How do you use it?

Contact your Client Success Manager, who will arrange a meeting with our integrations team. Our integration specialists will be able to guide you through the setup process and work with you to create the workflows needed to maximize the potential of this feature.

Data return in Google Sheets

What is it?

The Agent Connect Data Return feature has been enhanced to enable data to flow from Agent Connect directly into Google Sheets.

Why does it matter?

Agent Connect offers a Data Return API to allow you to retrieve Connect responses programmatically into your own systems for any given time period. We have made this process simpler by allowing you to make use of our data return directly into Google Sheets via a Google Sheets add-on. Once enabled, this makes it easier to quickly retrieve data in Google Sheets, without going through the export responses screen in Agent Connect. You can retrieve data from any time period for which you have been using Agent Connect, by specifying optional start dates and end dates, with up to 10,000 responses per request.

How do you use it?

Install the Agent Connect add-on from the Google Chrome store. Once installed, you can find the add-on under your add-on section in Google Sheets. Enter your API key, secret key, start date, and end date, and click Load to retrieve responses.

Additional updates

This release includes the following additional updates:

  • We now support multi-language for Service Recovery. Contact your Client Success Manager for more information on how to set this up.
  • We have updated our Trends menu option to make it easier to find the reports that matter most to you. You can now access these reports directly through your Trends menu without first navigating to Company or Company Program Trends reports.