December 2022

QA Audits

A new workflow that allows for the process of evaluating a QA Reviewer's QA Review, or Internal Quality Control (IQC). This process ensures that QA Reviews are conducted fairly and adhere to an organization's QA guidelines.

Why It Matters

Admins and approved users now have the ability to ensure that QA program guidelines are adhered to by reviewing/grading completed QA Reviews. Reviewers and QA teams are now also able to get feedback on the reviews they conduct, creating another signal to gauge how healthy an organization's QA program is.

How do I use it?

QA Audits are available by default for all Agent Connect customers who utilize Agent Connect QA. Admins can create Audit scorecards by going to Settings > QA and using the Scorecard Builder. Once the Audit scorecard has been created, Admins and approved users with Conduct Audit permissions can launch a QA Audit by navigating to QA Dashboard > Completed Reviews and clicking on the Audit button next to the review they wish to Audit. Permissions for users to see and/or conduct Audits can be configured on an individual's user profile.

Read more about QA Audits here.

QA Reviewer Performance Reporting

Agent Connect is introducing the Reviewers Reporting in conjunction with the QA Audits feature. Customers can still access the Reviewers page, even if they do not utilize the QA Audits feature. This page is aimed at providing comprehensive stats on QA Reviewers' performance.

Why It Matters

The QA review process aims at providing feedback to agents, which is essential to ensuring a healthy QA program. Reviewer Reporting (along with the QA Audit feature) aims to enhance that workflow by exposing metrics and stats related to Reviewers' performance. These key metrics aim to help organizations understand when Reviewers meet quota, whether they're scoring accurately and more. Regardless of whether a company utilizes the QA Audits feature, Reviewer Reporting will display data like how many QA Reviews are being completed, where Reviews originated, QA Reviewers' Alignment Score from Calibration Sessions they participated in and how many Appeals have been submitted for Reviews completed by a Reviewer, plus more.

How do I use it?

Admins and Team Leaders can see Reviewers Reporting by navigating to QA Dashboard > Reviewers tab, or by clicking on Reviewers in the QA navigation dropdown.

Learn more about the Reviewers Reporting feature here.

Redesigned QA Assignments Overview Page

We've launched a new design of our existing Assignments page. You'll now notice an updated look and feel. The updated UI enables us to make the Assignments table more useful at-a-glance as we're now about to provide more points of interaction on the table. A progress bar is now available for My Assignments (previously, this was only available for the All Assignments table); A new Status column to the Assignments tables - statuses include: New, In Progress and Complete. Duplicate and Archive actions are now available under My Assignments and the actions are now in the form of icons; and Show Archived Assignments has moved to the bottom of the QA Assignments Overview page and when clicked upon, takes a user to an archived table page.

Why It Matters

Design and experience is an important element of the Agent Connect experience. Not only does the improved look and feel elevate a user's experience within the application but we have included additional enhancements to help improve a Reviewer's workflow so they can spend more time on completing QA reviews.

How do I use it?

A user can go to an existing QA assignment in the table or create a new one. Clicking on the name of the QA Assignment allows a user to view Assignment criteria (quantity and eligibility). This action replaced the View option. Users may continue clicking on Details for any given assignment to get a sense of progress for that assignment. All other actions stay the same, with the exception of the introduction of Skip to Specific Team Member in QA Assignments (details can be found in the next feature blurb below).

Skip to Specific Team Member in QA Assignments

Skip to Specific Team Member is a feature that allows Reviewers to jump to a particular Team Member in a given QA Assignment. This feature allows Reviewers to review the right Team Members at the right time during Assignment periods and ensures that no Team Members end up going unreviewed for an extended period of time.

Why It Matters

The current nature of QA Assignments today is such that reviewers need to skip through a number of interactions before they can find one for the specific Team Member they're looking for. They have no way of selecting a specific Team Member to QA review. This is not an ideal workflow for reviewers as they are spending more time to find the right interaction to QA if they were targeting a particular Team Member. Skip to Specific Team Member allows for Reviewers to target the right Team Member to QA review at any given time.

How do I use it?

To start reviewing a specific Team Member, a user can click on Members in the QA Assignment table. A new slideout with a list of all the Team Members eligible for that QA Assignment will appear. Additionally, a review progress bar for each individual Team Member and the option to start reviewing a specific Team Member is now available (just click on Review!).

If a reviewer tries to skip to a specific Team Member for whom no eligible interactions are available, they will be met with a pop-up message indicating that no eligible interactions are available for that Team Member within that assignment. If a reviewer finishes a given Team Member's interactions or the assignment runs out of interactions to review for that Team Member, we'll show them the option to choose a different Team Member from the list of eligible Team Members in that Assignment or go back to the Assignments Overview page, if they prefer.

Note that in the QA Assignments table, users are now also able to see Reviewers for any given assignment, including the breakdown of progress in relation to the total assignment, for each Reviewer.

Custom Property Filtering on Interactions Page & QA Assignment Builder

Pass valuable metadata from your CRM's ticket fields as Custom Properties to use as filters on the Interactions page and when building QA Assignments.

Why It Matters

Now you can more easily target the right interactions to QA Review, saving Reviewers valuable time typically spent hunting & pecking for interactions matching eligibility criteria. With field mapping, use custom field labels to make these filters simple to use and impactful in your team's workflow so that Reviewers can spend more time reviewing & less time hunting for interactions to QA Review.

How do I use it?

Update your Survey Request/Interaction Creation API call's payload to include Custom Properties (if you're not already) that you'd like to send to Agent Connect and use as Interaction Filters. Once we've received your Custom Property in a record, we'll automatically add the new field to the Interaction Fields Mapping Tool on the Integrations page. Use the Select Field button to find your new field, then click +Add to add your field to the Mapping Table, tell us what type of data your new field contains, give your field a Display Name, and select the Interaction Filter checkbox. Save your work and you're good to go! When you next head to the Interactions page or the QA Assignment Builder, you'll find your new field, ready to filter Interactions with ease.

Learn more about using the Interaction Field Mapping Tool in our Help Center, here.


Create Groups of employees regardless of the Team they belong to or their role level in order to better filter reporting and understand performance across your organization.

Why It Matters

Want to track the performance of employees during their onboarding stage, even if they're all on separate teams? Create a New Hires group with ease and filter dashboards & reports to keep an eye on performance as newly hired team members get up to speed. Want to easily filter data on reports and dashboards to view Tier 1 performance and Tier 2 performance? Groups can help!

How do I use it?

Use the new Groups UI on the Manage Team page to create your Groups, then add new Group members via the simple UI or use Bulk Groups Update (info on this new feature below!) to add Group members in bulk. You can also use the Groups field in our User Provisioning API to add employees to existing Groups, if preferred. However you decide to manage Group memberships is up to you. Once Groups are created, use the new Teams or Groups filters on Trends dashboards, QA Dashboard, the Stream, and Performance to keep track of employee performance with ease.

Once you've created Groups & added users, you'll begin to see data associated with your new Groups as Feedback comes in & QA Reviews are completed. Please note that historical data created before your Groups will not be associated with your new Groups, only data moving forward.

For clients previously using Reporting Groups OR Custom Employee Groups features, your account will be transitioned to the new & improved Groups experience with additive value but no other critical changes to the functionality of your Groups!

Bulk Groups Update

A new method for managing Group memberships in bulk. Use Bulk Groups Update to add or remove any number of users from Groups all within a single file!

Why It Matters

We know that managing Group memberships via the in-app UI workflow works best for smaller organizations or for quick individual group memberships updates, so we've introduced the ability to manage Group memberships via one simple bulk file template, making this a task anyone can achieve quickly. Now you can add and/or remove users from Groups in a single file upload.

How do I use it?

From the Manage Team page, click on the Add/Edit Team Members button and select Bulk Groups Update from the dropdown menu. Click the Download Group Membership button to export a CSV that lists all employees and their current Group Memberships – use the Groups to Add and/or Groups to Remove columns to add and/or remove users from Groups. Once you've finished editing your CSV, upload it on the Bulk Groups Update page and we'll begin processing the Group Memberships changes for you.

Metric Sets

Create Metric Sets to organize core KPIs for your teams, ensuring that Team Members landing on the Performance page will see the core KPIs assigned to their Team instead of requiring all Teams/Team Members to see the same Metrics all of the time.

Why It Matters

Keep Teams focused on the Metrics they're held accountable to. Create multiple Metric Sets and assign Metric Sets to Teams to ensure they see the correct metrics when they land on the Performance page.

How do I use it?

Admin users can head to Settings > Metric Configuration and scroll down to the new Metric Sets section. You'll see that a Default Metric Set already exists – this is the Metric Set any user who belongs to a Team that has not been assigned any Metric Sets will see when they land on the Performance Page. Click the + Create a Metric Set button to begin, give your Metric Set a name, assign your Metric Set to the Teams who should be focused on this Metric Set on the Performance page, and add Metrics (you can add up to 10 to each Metric Set) and Save! Create as many Metric Sets as you need & head to the Performance page to check out your work by using the Metric Sets filter to switch between sets.

Custom Time Period Filter Settings on Performance

Customize the values that appear in the Time Period filter on the Performance page to ensure the time periods your team needs are available with ease.

Why It Matters

The Time Period filter on Performance can now be customized to only include the time periods/date ranges that your team actually needs.

How do I use it?

Admin users can head to Settings > Metric Configuration and scroll down toward the bottom of the page. In the Metric Options section, you'll see a number of fields available to customize the Time Period filter on the Performance page, including; the list of Selectable Date Ranges your users should see in the Time Period filter, the Default Date Range you'd like us to show to users when they land on the Performance page, which day of the week your Weeks begin on, when your Quarters begin, etc.

Please note that these settings are global, meaning they apply to all users in your company and these settings only apply to the Performance page.

Custom Leaderboard Settings

Customize your Leaderboard to focus on the feedback metric most important to your organization & find new Advanced Settings to customize how many employees appear on the Leaderboard rankings, how many pieces of feedback are required to qualify for the Leaderboard in each time period, & more!

Why It Matters

Switch leaderboards from focusing only on Star Rating average to use the Feedback metric that your team is primarily held accountable to – Agent Connect Leaderboards create friendly competition & help agents strive to see themselves in the number one spot! Now you can use FCR, NPS, Percent Positive, & more as your Leaderboard metric.

In addition, customize the number of employees who can appear on the Leaderboard to give more employees an opportunity to see themselves reach the Leaderboard or to make reaching the Leaderboard even more exclusive. You can also customize how many pieces of Feedback are required to be eligible for the Leaderboard to ensure Team Members with just a single 5-Star piece of Feedback isn't going to take the top of the Leaderboard, but if your team only gets a few pieces of Feedback per Week or per Month, they can still achieve Leaderboard status.

How do I use it?

Admin users can head to Settings > Metric Configuration and scroll down to the Leaderboards section. Select the Metric you want to focus your Leaderboard on (Star Rating Average is the default metric), and click Advanced Settings to unfurl further customization options. That's it – you're good to go! We'll save your changes automatically.

Unpublished Changes Indicator on Survey Builder

See Unpublished Changes indicators on the Survey Builder & Service Recovery tiles on Settings to easily spot when changes have been made to your survey but left unpublished. You can head to the Survey Builder and view the new Unpublished Changes Log for Survey updates, as well, to ensure you're always aware of what changes have been made, when they were made, and if they've been published yet.

Why It Matters

Ensure you're aware of exactly which version of your survey is currently Published and Live for customers with confidence & keep track of Survey changes you're making with ease.

How do I use it?

No action required! From now on, after changes have been made to your survey, if you navigate away from the Survey Builder without Publishing, you'll see a red dot indicator on the Survey Builder tile when viewing the Settings page, which indicates that there are Unpublished Changes to review.

When viewing your survey in the Survey Builder, you'll see an orange dot indicator next to the Question which has Unpublished Changes and when viewing that Question, the indicator will also be visible on any field which has an Unpublished Change present.

You can also view a full list of all Unpublished Changes in the new Unpublished Changes Log in the top left-hand corner of the Survey Builder. To access the Unpublished Changes Log, find the orange Unpublished Changes button at the top left of the Survey Builder page, hover over it, and scroll through any changes in the dropdown that appears. If you feel good about all of your changes, go ahead and Publish before heading away from the Survey Builder!

Share to Facebook Marketing Flow Update

Unfortunately, we were recently made aware that Facebook has decided to deprecate the Quote field in their Share API. This means our beloved Share to Facebook Post-survey Marketing feature will be impacted.

How will Share to Facebook Change?

Because we can no longer utilize the Quote field to inject your pre-configured text into a Facebook post on your customer's Facebook post, we're updating the flow slightly to a Copy & Paste functionality. Customers will see the Recommended Quote For Your Facebook Post and the Share to Facebook button will be updated to Copy Quote and Share – now the quote will be automatically copied to the customer's clipboard when they click the Share button for Facebook, and all they need to do is paste the text into their Facebook post.

We know this isn't ideal, but we felt this was a far better option than completely deprecating the Share to Facebook feature. We do apologize for the impact to your post-survey marketing flow, but we hope that either the new Copy Quote and Share flow or one of our other Marketing features (found in your account by heading to Settings > Marketing) will allow your customers to continue sharing their amazing experiences with your teams!

Updated Top Navigation Experience

We're excited to unveil our new top navigation user interface. There are no changes to the the workflow or to the top or sub-navigation options; this update contains changes in color and font on the navigation and contains cleaner dropdown menus.