Configuring automatic email notifications

By using email notifications, you'll immediately be informed when a respondent selects one or more specific answers in your survey. You determine which answers to which questions trigger these alerts and to whom they will be delivered.

Notifications make it easy to complete the cycle and manage the follow-up of dissatisfied respondents.

For example, if a respondent gives a low NPS® , you can automatically send an email to an account manager, your support department, or anyone who needs to be informed. These people can, in turn, contact the customer, see what the problem was, and resolve it.

You can also set up notifications based on respondent fields. By mixing answer and respondent field triggers, you can create complex and insightful notifications tailored towards your own needs.

You can edit, activate, or inactivate these notifications at any time.

Set up notifications

  1. Open the survey to which you you want to add a notification.
  2. Select Settings > Notifications.
  3. Create Create notification.

  4. Enter the following details:
    • Notification name — Enter a unique name for the notification so that you'll recognize it immediately.

    • Active/Inactive — Activate or deactivate your notification.

    • Conditions — Set up the specific conditions that must be met before your notification is sent. These conditions can be certain responses, but they can also be a custom field you've imported along with your group. See "Addition conditions" below for additional details.

    • Actions — You can set up various actions, including sending emails and text messages, posting to Slack, and creating API calls. See Send an email below for steps on that action.

      New notifications.

  5. Click Save.

Send an email

  1. Enter a name for the notification.
  2. Add one or more conditions.
  3. Select the action Send email.
  4. Fill out the necessary fields in the email message that appears. See Write an email message for additional details.
  5. Click Save.

Your alert is active immediately and will be sent as soon as all conditions are met. Respondents do not necessarily have to finish the survey first.

Add conditions

Conditions in a notification are very similar to conditions in branching. You select the question or respondent field along with the value it must contain to trigger an email notification. Using the AND/OR operator, you can combine multiple conditions.

  • Condition type — The notification condition is based on the following:
    • Question — The answer to an earlier question.

    • Respondent field — Data from the respondent (e.g., socio-demographic, address data, custom fields).

  • Question/field — Select the question or respondent field on which you want to base your condition.

  • Operator — Depending on the context, you can select different operators, including is, is not, contains, does not contain, greater than, and less than.

  • Value — Select an answer or fill in the text field that the condition needs to match.

Click add condition to add another condition.


As an example, If a customer gives a low NPS score, you would want to be informed immediately. In this case, you would select Question as the Condition type, then select your NPS question from the Question/field. Make sure you select the subquestion "- Not at all likely – Extremely likely". Select \"less than" as an operator. And enter "7" as the value (everyone who gives a score below 7 is a detractor).

Your NPS detractor condition will look like this:

Condition for NPS detractor, example.

Write an email message

As soon as you select the action Send email, an email message will appear that is largely filled out with some standard text and a number of variables.

  • From — This is the name that will be visible to recipients immediately. Don't use an email address.

  • Reply address — Out of office messages or direct replies to your notification will be sent to this address.

  • To — Put all email addresses of people you wish to send your notification to here, separated by commas. You can also use variables. For example, if you want to inform the direct manager of a certain department, you can import this manager's email address into one of the custom fields of your group. Then you can use this custom field's variable in order to add that person's email address to the "To" field.

  • Subject — By default, the notification name is used here. You can adjust this to anything that best suits your situation.

  • Body — This is your email content. You can again use variables to show certain contact values or even specific survey answers. You can add your own banner, add other information, put text in color, etc. In short, the email body is completely customizable.

  • Variables — Select this dropdown to see a list of possible variables that you can use in your notification.

Email message.

You can create a completely custom message that contains all of the necessary information your recipients need to take the appropriate action.