Setting up the "Create contact" notification
Use the "Create contact" notification to automate your workflow and create a new contact as well as add it to a survey each time a certain response was provided.
For example, for each NPS detractor, you can automatically add a new contact to a follow-up survey. In this case, the contact's email address will be the follow-up team's email address. The detractor's contact details and comments to the survey are added as custom fields.
The follow-up team immediately receives an invitation to fill out the follow-up survey as soon as someone has been identified as a detractor. The follow-up survey itself will act as a call script for your team.
You can use our API to export this follow-up survey data into your CMS or database for future use.
To set up the "Create contact" notification, complete the following steps:
- Open your survey.
- Select Settings > Notifications.
- Click Create notification.
- Add a notification name. Use a name that describes what the notification does.
- By default, the notification is automatically set as Active. Change this to Inactive if you don't want to use it right away.
- Add your conditions.
- Select type (Question or Respondent Field) — Should your trigger fire as soon as a respondent provides a certain response? Or does it depend on the metadata you imported along with your contacts? Or perhaps you need a mixture of both?
- Choose the question or respondent field on which you want to base your trigger.
- Select the operator.
- Select the value of the question or respondent field. For example
- Select the action Create contact. The following options appear:
Select the survey to which you you want to add these contacts. This is optional. You can also create a contact and not add it directly to a survey yet.
Select the contact details you want to use for these contacts. For every field, you can select which type of information you wish to reuse. This can be a specific question from the survey or any of the metadata you've imported along with the contacts that were added to this survey.
Click the arrow next to a field to select the information you want to add to this particular field. See the table below with descriptions of options.
Click Save.
Your notification is now active. Each time a respondent matches the conditions you created, a new contact will be created and the contact's details will be filled out with the information you selected.
When this contact is added to a survey that is live, an email or sms will also be sent automatically depending on your chosen distribution channel.
Selection | Description |
Leave empty | This field won't be added to the contact in the target survey. This is the default selection for all contact details fields. |
Fixed text | Enter the text you want to add. This text will be the same for all contacts. You can also use enter a variable if you need a specific option that is not available via the other contact details options. |
First name | Adds the source survey contact's first name to this field. |
Last name | Adds the source survey contact's last name to this field. |
Email address | Adds the source survey contact's email address to this field. |
Language | Adds the source survey contact's language to this field. |
Street | Adds the source survey contact's street to this field. |
House number | Adds the source survey contact's house number to this field. |
Apt/Suite | Adds the source survey contact's apt/suite to this field. |
Postal code | Adds the source survey postal code to this field. |
City | Adds the source survey contact's city to this field. |
Province | Adds the source survey province to this field. |
State | Adds the source survey state to this field. |
Country | Adds the source survey contact's country to this field. |
Phone | Adds the source survey contact's phone to this field. |
Link to respondent's answer summary | Adds the URL for the source survey's respondent report to this field so that you can link the responses of both surveys. |
Custom field | The source survey contact's custom field x will be added to this field. When you select this option, you will be asked to select the desired custom field. This can be either a number from 1 to 20 or the name you have given to this custom field in this particular survey. |
Value selected for question | Adds the response to a particular question to this field. Once selected, you will be asked to select the desired question and/or response. |
NPS Type ('Promoter', 'Passive' or 'Detractor') | Adds the name 'Promoter', 'Passive', or 'Detractor' to this field depending on which score the respondent gave to your NPS question (e.g., someone who gave a 9 or 10 will be identified as 'Promoter'). If you have more than one NPS question in your survey, you will be asked to select one. |
Survey title | Adds the title of the source survey to this field. |
Survey and date | Adds the end date of the source survey to this field. |
Your survey reference | Adds the reference you've given the source survey to this field. |
Notification name | Adds this notification's name to this field. |
URL to add/edit/remove notifications | Adds the link to this particular page to this field. |