Turning NPS detractors into promoters

On average, Americans tell 15 people about a poor service experience and only 11 people about a good experience. People speaking badly about your company to their friends and family can damage your reputation. A bad reputation and negative reviews can cost you customers.

See Net Promoter Score (NPS) for details about the NPS.

The Net Promoter Score divides people into three groups, based on the score they gave on the following question:

How likely are you to recommend company/brand/product X to a friend/colleague/relative?


Detractors are the people that give a score of 0 to 6, passives give a 7 or 8, and promoters are your true brand ambassadors and give you a score of 9 or 10. Detractors are important because they directly influence your NPS in a negative way. One way to increase your NPS will be by reducing the amount of detractors your company has. The other way will be turning your passives into promoters.


Detractors are not satisfied with your company or product, and they will very likely leave your company soon. A higher churn rate means a decrease in growth and revenue, which you probably want to avoid. But, it is possible to turn your detractors into promoters because the one thing they have in common is that they care. Detractors care enough about your brand to talk about it, even if it is currently in a bad way. This distinguishes them from the passives. Passives don't really care about your brand at all and buy most of the time out of habit. Detractors, on the other hand, are engaged and that's why it is still possible to turn them into promoters.

Steps to turn your detractors into promoters

Conduct an NPS survey

An NPS survey can identify who your detractors are and why they are unhappy. But by only asking them to score you, you will miss out on a lot of valuable feedback. Always add an open question to your NPS survey where customers can explain why they gave a certain score.

Follow up and take action

Detractors are taking time to give feedback, so following up on these people is key. Find out what they are unhappy with and whether this is a personal issue or a common issue you need to resolve. Reaching out personally to these people will be a big help. Provide your customer with a solution. Avoid false promises. This might turn them into your biggest promoters. It is possible to change the image of your brand after a bad experience, but only if you act accordingly.

Measure continuously

If you do a survey once a year, it will most likely be too late to change a customer's mind about your organization. Asking for feedback at the right time in the customer journey will give you the opportunity to act immediately and start improving your service and customer experience. Agile Research has an automatic notifications system so you get notified in real time when a customer is not satisfied. This gives you the opportunity to react immediately. You can contact your customer personally or send a follow up survey and