Configure Monitoring

During monitoring you need to interact with each Touchpoint using the details of the customer you are monitoring as. For example, for a mobile app or website you must login using that customer’s login details. For a call center, you must view the contact details for that customer.

Select Who to Monitor As

  1. In MXO , choose Test & Publish.
  2. Select Monitor.
  3. In the Summary panel, click Configure monitor options. Monitoring - configure
  4. Select who you want to monitor as. Choose either:
    • Me. Let's you monitor using the TID for the current browser, generated on your Web Touchpoint).
    • Other. Let's you monitor using a specific TID or key.
  5. If you select Other, do the following:
    1. Choose whether to monitor using a specific Key or TID.
    2. Select the key to use for monitoring (if you have multiple keys stored for a customer) from the drop-down list.
    3. Provide the appropriate key or TID. Monitoring - configure select TID or CK
  6. Select the snapshot you want to monitor. You can monitor the snapshot that is currently "In the works", the snapshot currently on the Launchpad, or any previously released (published) snapshots.
  7. Click Monitor.

Select the Data to Display for a Customer

You can select which data to view for a customer, based on either a Structure or a data attribute. You can also view data about activity counts for individual Propositions.

We recommend creating specific Structures for monitoring, when testing new use cases and engagement configurations. This enables you to delete all the data you hold for a customer when testing is complete.

  1. In the Data panel, select which data to display for the customer you are monitoring as. Choose from:
    • Structures. Displays customers data based on the format of a Structure.
    • Data Adapters. Displays customer data based on a Data Adapter.
    • Proposition Activity Counts. Displays data about activity counts for individual Propositions.
  2. If you selected to view data based on a Structure or Data Adapter, select the specific Structure or Data Adapter for which you want to display customer data.

Clear Customer Data

You can clear all data MXO holds for a customer using the Clear customer data functionality on the Monitor page.

Clearing customer data permanently deletes all TIDs, keys, and any associated data that MXO has stored for the customer being monitored.

Note: It is important to be aware of this if you are monitoring using the TID or key of a customer from your production environment
  1. On the Monitor page, click Clear customer data.
  2. Click Yes, clear data. All data that MXO currently holds for the customer you are monitoring is permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved.