Disconnecting your Facebook account

Removing Facebook as a sign-in option.

Disconnect Facebook from your account when you no longer want to use it to sign in to Medallia Ideas.

Medallia Ideas does not store any Facebook-related data, so once you disconnect, no information from your Facebook profile will be stored by Medallia Ideas.

  1. Sign in to your Medallia Ideas account without using Facebook.
    When signed in with non-Facebook identity, you can proceed.
  2. Go to Your profile > Settings > Linked accounts.
    Your Facebook profile will be listed.
  3. Click Remove next to the Facebook account listing.

    Linked accounts tab showing a Facebook account for "John Smith" and the "Remove" link after the name

  4. Confirm that you want to remove your Facebook identity.
The page will refresh, and your Facebook account will no longer be listed as an identity.