Scheduler templates

On the Templates page, you can configure and save customization options in a template that can be applied to widgets individually. Templates essentially separate the customized configuration from the widgets themselves, thus allowing you to replicate the same configuration across more than one widget. Each widget requires a template, and templates can be shared among multiple widgets.

Adding and editing templates

Quick access: Scheduler > Templates

  1. To create a new template with the default configuration, click Add Template, or...
  2. To begin by using an existing template's configuration to create a new one, find the template you wish to copy, then click the Clone icon.
  3. To change or review the configuration of an existing template, click the Edit icon.
Note: When adding or cloning templates, you will first need to enter a unique name and a description for the new template, then click Save. You can then click the Edit button in the new row corresponding to your new template to proceed.

When editing a template, you will see the Edit Template page, which contains multiple links.


Quick access: Scheduler > Templates > Your Template > Edit

The Details section of the Edit Template page allows you to view or edit the internal name and description of the widget template. These details are only used to identify the widget for Mindful Callback users in your Organization, and will not be displayed to your customers.

image of template details
  • Name: The template name will appear on the Templates page.
  • Description: The template description will appear next to the name on the Templates page, as seen in the following screenshot.


Quick access: Scheduler> Templates > Your Template > HTML

The HTML link allows you to customize the HTML code used to display buttons and text in your widgets. From here, you can edit the appearance of your widgets and use variables to customize each message with dynamically populated information.

Tip: Don't forget to preview your customization after making changes to make sure everything appears as you expect!

You can customize the HTML for any of the following Scheduler widget scenarios.

  • Offer ASAP & Scheduled Callback
  • Offer ASAP Callback Only
  • Offer Scheduled Callback Only
  • ASAP Callback Requested
  • Scheduled Callback Requested
  • Display Estimated Wait Time Only
  • Platform Unavailable

Updating and previewing HTML

For each of the available scenarios, use the following steps to update and preview the code.

  1. Enter your customized HTML code into the fields provided.
  2. Click any of the Available Components buttons below each text field to further customize the code, as needed. For more information, see the Using dynamic text replacement section of this article.
  3. Click Preview on each field before moving on.
  4. When the Preview modal appears, update the values in the Estimated Wait Time and Contact Number fields, if needed. This will give the system some information to populate in the preview.example H.T.M.L. preview window
  5. Follow the instructions under the Bookmarklet section to preview your widget.

  6. If you would like to test the code on your own website, copy the code snippet from the Copy/Paste box and place it within your own HTML document.

  7. When finished, close the modal and click Save on the Edit Template HTML page.

Using dynamic text replacement

Near the text fields, you will see a list of buttons labeled Available Components. You can click any of these buttons to add the corresponding component, such as a specific input field, button, or message.

image of available components buttons
  • ewt: The current Estimated Callback Time (ECBT)
  • projected-answer-time: The time of day that customers can expect a callback (current time + ECBT)
  • popup-callback-form-button: Adds a Request a Callback button
  • inline-callback-form: Adds a Callback Request form directly into the code, which includes an input field for a customer phone number and a Submit button
  • contact-number-input: Adds an unlabeled input form for a customer phone number
  • contact-number-submit: Adds a Submit button to connect with a customer phone number input form
  • callback-request-error-message: Populates an appropriate error message (configured on the Error Messages page) if an error occurs
  • working-spinner: Displays a spinning circle when the widget is awaiting the final status of the callback request
  • contact-number-confirmation: Displays the submitted customer contact phone number via text
  • appointment-time: Displays the scheduled callback appointment time via text


The following example uses several components to personalize a notification message:

example of inline H.T.M.L. with a span highlighted, representing an available component inserted via the buttons below

In this example, the customer would see something like the following:

example output of customized H.T.M.L.

Callback Form

Quick access: Scheduler > Templates > Your Template > Edit > Callback Form

On the Callback Form tab, you can customize the options and inputs provided to customers to help them request a callback through a widget. Each element on this tab is pre-configured with default values, but you can edit any of the values as you see fit to customize the customer experience.

image of the callback form tab

The callback form allows a user to select the type of callback they want, input their phone number, and submit their callback request. It can be displayed either inline or in its own popup window, based on the components used in the widget HTML.

Consult the following table for information on each editable field on this page.

TitleDisplayed as a title for the widget
ASAP & Scheduled Message (optional for inline form)Explains that you offer ASAP or scheduled callback options
ASAP Message (optional for inline form)Explains that you offer an ASAP callback option only
Scheduled Message (optional for inline form)Explains that you offer a scheduled callback option only
Phone Number PromptPrompts the user to enter their callback phone number
Phone Number Placeholder Used as a placeholder in the phone number field to show customers the acceptable format
ASAP Callback Selector LabelThe text displayed on the ASAP callback selector
Scheduled Callback Selector LabelThe text displayed on the scheduled callback selector
Submit Button TextThe text displayed on the Submit button
Cancel Button Text (popup form only)The text displayed on the Cancel button
Use Button Scheduling

Select this option if you want your widget to offer more detailed callback scheduling options via form fields instead of dropdown menus.

The next few fields only apply when Use Button Scheduling is selected.

Start of WeekSelect the day of the week you want to designate as the start of the week.
Day SelectorThe text that will prompt customers to select a day of the week to schedule a callback
Hour SelectorThe text that will prompt customers to select a specific time of day to schedule a callback
Time SelectorThe text that will prompt customers to select a time slot to schedule a callback
S elected Callback Time Text displayed to confirm the customer's selected callback time
Use Dropdown Scheduling

Select this option if you want your widget to offer simplified callback scheduling options via dropdown menus instead of form fields.

The next few fields only apply when Use Dropdown Scheduling is selected.

Day SelectorThe text label for the dropdown menu that allows a customer to select a date for a scheduled callback
Time SelectorThe text label for the dropdown menu that allows a customer to select a timeslot for a scheduled callback

API Message

Quick access: Scheduler > Templates > Your Template > the Edit icon > API Message link

On the API Message page, you can edit the default API responses that the widget sends when it receives requests for widget status.

From here, you can customize the following API messages to be displayed in your Schedulerwidget:

  • Offer ASAP & Scheduled Callback
  • Offer ASAP Callback Only
  • Offer Scheduled Callback Only
  • ASAP Callback Requested
  • Scheduled Callback Requested
  • Display Estimated Wait Time Only
  • Platform Unavailable

Editing and Previewing API messages

Use the following steps to update and preview any of the available messages.

  1. Enter your custom API messages into the fields provided.
  2. Use the Available Components buttons beneath most message fields to insert variables to customize each message, if you would like.
  3. Click Preview next to a message field to view a sample API response.
  4. In the Preview modal window, enter a placeholder value in the Estimated Wait Time (minutes) and Contact Number fields.
  5. Review the sample API response displayed in the Message Preview box. This value can be copied for testing outside of the Mindful Callback system, if needed.
  6. When finished, close the modal and click Save on the Edit API Message page.

Date/Time Format

Quick access: Scheduler > Templates > Your Template > the Edit icon > Date/Time Format link

In the Date/Time Format tab, you can customize the way that dates and times are displayed in widgets using the corresponding template. All sections contain default values which can be changed as you see fit, and dynamic variables can be used to customize the information in each field.


Here you can define how months of the year, and their abbreviations, are presented in the widget.

  • Long Name: The full name of the month in the English language
  • Short Name: The abbreviated name of the month in the English language


Here you can define how days of the week, and their abbreviations, are presented in the widget.

  • Long Name: The full name of the day in the English language
  • Short Name: The abbreviated name of the day in the English language

Time Format

In this section, you can edit the way time is displayed to your users.

  • Clock Type: Choose between a 12-hour clock or 24-hour clock.
  • AM/PM: Set the way in which AM and PM values are displayed.
  • Format: Set a format template for displaying time, using the dynamic variables below the input field. The default format is {{hours}}:{{minutes}} {{am-pm}}.

Click the Available Components below the Format field to add pre-formatted variables. A sample of your configured time format can be seen next to the Format field.

Date Format

In this section, you can edit the way that dates are displayed.

  • Format: Set a format template for displaying time, using the dynamic variables below the input field. The default format is {{day}}, {{month}} {{day-of-month}}.

Click the Available Components below the text fields to add pre-formatted variables. A sample of your configured date format can be seen next to the Format field.

Appointment Time Format

For scheduled callbacks, you can customize the way that the available appointment time slots are presented and how the widget confirms the customer's selected appointment time in this section.

  • Currently Selected Appointment Time: Edit the way that time slots are displayed in the widget's appointment selection area.
  • Scheduled Appointment Time Configuration: Edit the way that appointment confirmations are formatted.

Click the Available Components below the text fields to add pre-formatted variables. A sample of your configured format can be seen next to each field.

Projected Answer Time Format

Here you can define how customers will be informed that you will call them back. You can choose to quote an estimated time, a range of time, or state "before" or "after" a specific time.

  • At an Approximate Time: Edit the way that approximate times are displayed.
  • Before the Calculated Earliest Reported Time: Edit the way "before <time>" statements are displayed.
  • After the Calculated Latest Reported Time: Edit the way "after <time>" statements are displayed.
  • Between Times on the Same Day: Edit the way "between <upper time> and <lower time>" statements are displayed.
  • Between Times on Multiple Days: Edit the way "between <upper time> and <lower time>" statements are displayed for multiple days.

Click the Available Components below the text fields to add pre-formatted variables. A sample of your configured format can be seen next to each field.

EWT Format

Quick access: Scheduler > Templates > Your Template > the Edit icon > EWT Format link

The EWT Format link allows you to customize the way that Estimated Wait Time (EWT) is displayed in various scenarios.

EWT in the Scheduler widget is a term that can be used interchangeably with ECBT (Estimated Callback Time) in Mindful Callback. These time estimates are presented to customers so that they have an approximate expectation of when they will receive their callback.

  • Duration Format: Edit any of the fields in this section to change the way that wait-time duration is displayed.
  • EWT Format: Edit any of the fields in this section to change the way that EWT is quoted to customers.

Error Messages

Quick access: Scheduler > Templates > Your Template > the Edit icon > Error Messages link

The Error Messages link allows you to manage the messages that your customers see when an API error occurs. Each field contains a default error message that you can override to customize the customer experience with your widgets.

image of the error messages tab
  • Default Error: Notify the customer that callbacks cannot be requested via the widget at the current time.
  • Invalid Phone Number: The phone number entered by the customer is not in a valid format. For example, the number of digits entered may be too many or too few.
  • Phone Number Required: The customer submitted a callback request, but the Phone Number field was empty.
  • First Name Required: The customer submitted a callback request, but the First Name field was empty. This is a required field.
  • Appointment Time Unavailable: The customer requested a callback appointment time that is no longer available.
  • Request Refused Due to Operation Mode: The customer submitted a callback request, and Mindful Callback is currently not configured to allow that kind of request.
  • Duplicate Request: The customer submitted a callback request (using the same phone number) at an earlier time. The customer has not yet received the originally requested callback.
  • Contact Number Request Rate Limit: Too many callback requests were made by customers to the same phone number. Provider rate limits can occur in this situation.
  • IP Address Request Rate Limit: Too many requests were made by customers to the same IP address in a short period of time. Provider rate limits can occur in this situation.