Test a Touchpoint

Use Test a Touchpoint to test and troubleshoot whether or not product is returning the correct responses for customers.

You can test responses based on an individual context, existing key, or existing TID. The test simulates which responses product returns for an individual customer on a given Interaction Point.

The response includes details about all Capture and Optimization Points configured for the Interaction Point. If any Optimization Points are present, product also returns information about the content for those Optimization Points.

Content is returned in Base64 format and should be decoded for review.

Where can I find the TID?

You can find the TID in the one__randomid cookie. The product Tag sends the contents of this value back to product server with each request.

Example: one__randomid=29dbc7e2-227c-44a4-9847-ed77a5d79e9c

To Test a Touchpoint

  1. In product, choose Test & Publish.
  2. Select Test a Touchpoint.
uriThis is the URL and Interaction Point path for the Touchpoint you want to test. For example: https://www.mysite.co.uk/homepage
tidThe ID of the customer for which the request is being made. This allows you to test that an individual customer is being shown the best content. You can either Let product create a new customer ID or Use a specific customer ID. Typically, you would use either a TID or key in a test. Use both to connect the TID with a specific key.
ckThe customer key associated with the customer for which the request is being made. Select either Do not associate customer to a customer key or Use a specific customer key. Typically, you would use either a TID or key in a test. Use both to connect the TID with a specific key.
mediatypeOptional. The type of response to return. Select either JSON or XML. By default, this is set to JSON.
What snapshot would you like to use?The snapshot you want to use for the test. This includes the snapshot of any changes currently 'in the works' and the snapshot of any changes currently on the Launchpad.
traceEnables for debugging.
  1. Click Execute.
  2. product returns a response including details about all Capture and Optimization Points configured for the Interaction Point. For example:Test a touchpoint