(4.1) Checking IVG prerequisites
The Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) prerequisite check verifies the server satisfies the required prerequisites. The prerequisite check can be executed stand-alone in advance of installing IVG to verify each IVG server meets the prerequisites. We recommend this approach for the IVG installer.
Running the IVG prerequisite check
Use the following instructions to uninstall the IVG dependencies:
- Copy the ivg-dependencies-installer file to the first VM in your IVG deployment.
- Enter the following command to change the permissions:
- Enter the following command to execute the uninstaller:
- Repeat Steps 1-3 on each VM in the IVG deployment.
IVG Prerequisite check process
The IVG prerequisite check performs the following:
- Verifies an IP address is allocated to the VM.
- Verifies the correct version of CentOS or RHEL is installed.
- Verifies the RHEL subscription is registered.
- Verifies the OS architecture is 64-bit.
- Verifies /etc/fstab is found to mount tmpfs on /tmp.
- Verifies the installation and correct version of the OS dependencies for the voice platform. The prerequisites and their supported versions are located in the prerequisites folder of the ivginstaller-XXXX.zipfile:
- For dependencies not installed, the prerequisite check logs a list of dependencies to be installed on the server.
- For dependencies already installed, the prerequisite check logs a list of existing dependencies and their version. When executed, the IVG installer skips these dependencies.
- For dependencies with a lower version than than packaged with IVG, the prerequisite check logs a list of dependencies to be updated on the server. When executed, the IVG installer installs the supported version fo these dependencies.
- For dependencies with a higher version than packaged with IVG, the prerequisite check logs a list of these dependencies. When executed, the IVG installer skips these dependencies
- For dependencies with a 32-bit version, the prerequisite check logs a list of dependencies that need to be updated to 64-bit prior to executing the installer.
- Verifies the / partition has 1 GB of free disk space.
- Mindful best practices recommend at least 1 GB of disk space for installation of the necessary Linux operating system dependencies.
- Verifies the hollyinstallpath partition has 5 GBs of free disk space.
- Mindful best practices recommend at least 5 GBs of disk space for installation of the HVP components used by IVG.
- Verifies the /tmp partition has 4 GBs of free disk space.
- Mindful best practices recommend at least 4 GBs of disk space for temporary storage of fetched audio, documents, and scripts.
- Verifies the Swap space is equal to the amount of memory (RAM).
- We recommend the Swap space be equal to the memory space.
- Identifies the IVG deployment model based on the application_distribution key. Once the deployment model is identified, the prerequisite check identifies the components installed on the VM the check is run against.
The following IVG components are designated with a yes or no flag for installation:
- pginstall (PostgreSQL)
- hvpinstall (Voice Platform)
- visinstall (VXML Interaction Server)
- ccisinstall (Call Control Interaction Server)
Prerequisite check results
Once the prerequisite check is complete, one of the following results is returned:
The IVG server meets the installation requirements. Please proceed with installing IVG.
- All prerequisites are satisfied, and IVG can be installed on the VM.
The IVG server space requirements were not met. We recommend meeting the space requirements, however IVG may still be installed.
- The space requirements are not met, however all other requirements are met. Installation can continue.
The IVG server does not meet the installation requirements, and IVG cannot be installed. Please see the error messages for additional details on the requirement errors.
- The IVG prerequisite check determined the VM does not meet the prerequisites required for IVG installation. Check the error messages returned from the prerequisite check, and resolve accordingly. Once the errors have been resolved, execute the prerequisite check again to confirm the minimum requirements are met.