(3.11+) Installing the CTI Event Consumer

Enable the CTI Event Consumer post-installation by:

  • Generating a new install-ivg.cfg file using the IVG Installer
  • Copying the CTI Event Consumer keys to the consumer.cfg file
  • Provisioning Agent Priority in the voice platform
  • Installing the CTI event consumer on the voice platform

Before you begin

Locate the following information before installing the CTI Event Consumer:

  • install_ivg.cfg file used to install IVG
  • IP address or FQDN of the Core server
    • If HA, you will need the IP address or FQDN of both Core servers
  • RabbitMQ username
  • RabbitMQ password

Generating the new install-ivg.cfg file

Add the CTI Event Consumer details to the install-ivg.cfg file by using the IVG installer.

  • Run the IVG Setup Wizard.
  • Select the Load existing configuration file to edit radio button.
  • Enter the path where the IVG configuration file is located.


  • Browse for the configuration file if the location is not automatically populated.
  • Click Next until you arrive at the CTI Event Consumer application screen.
  • Enable the CTI event consumer application configuration checkbox allows to enter the Core server details.

    Populate each field using the following table for descriptions and default values:

    FieldDescriptionDefault value
    Server Name Type

    Select the server name type from the list:

    • FQDN
    • IP address
    Core Server 1Enter the first Core server name. Enter in the format designated in Server Name Type.NA
    Core Server 2Enter the second Core server name. Enter in the format designated in Server Name Type.NA
    Install PathInstallation location of the consumer application consumer.cfg file.



    VHT recommends not changing this default value.

    The information from the CTI event consumer application screen is entered in the cti_event_consumer section of the install_ivg.cfg file. The RabbitMQ credentials are also added, and can be modified prior to installing IVG.

    FieldDescriptionDefault value
    rabbitmq_usernameRabbitMQ username.user

    RabbitMQ password.

    All passwords are encrypted in the configuration file.

    rabbitmq_connection_retry_periodInterval period in milliseconds the CTI Connector attempts to reconnect to RabbitMQ if a connection is lost.2000
  • Complete the IVG setup wizard and save the install_ivg.cfg file.

Copying the CTI Event Consumer keys to the consumer.cfg file

The CTI Event Consumer keys are located in the cti-event-consumer section of the install_ivg.cfg file. Add these keys and values to the consumer.cfg file by:

  • Open a Linux shell script and navigate to /export/home/VirtualHold/CTIEventConsumer/cfg/consumer.cfg.
  • Log in with the voice platform Linux username and password. Default username is holly-ivg.
  • Copy the cti-event-consumer keys and values to the consumer.cfg file.

Provisioning Agent Priority in the voice platform

Provision Agent Priority in the voice platform by:

  • Log in to the management system and navigate to Administration > Applications.
  • Select the Service Provider and Affiliate from the dropdown.
  • Complete the Select Application area. Fields are defined as follows:
FieldDescriptionDefault value

Dropdown list of each provisioned Application.

To create a new Application:

  • Leave this field blank. The value for Name becomes the Application name.

To edit an existing Application:

  • Select an Application from the dropdown list.

Name associated with the Application.

This value becomes the Application name.

DescriptionOptional description for the application. If no description is added, the value defaults to the value from Name.VHT_AgentPriority
  • Add the outbound URL in the URL field in the format: http://localhost:8080/VIS/AgentPriority
  • Add a Fetch Time Out. VHT recommends setting the Fetch Time Out to 5 seconds.
  • Click Add to add the URL to the URLs list.
  • Use Move Up and Move Down to ensure URLs are listed in desired order.
  • Limit number of URLs inserted because fetch time outs are cumulative.
  • Ensure last URL listed is local to browser so that access is assured.

Populate each field of the License Port Allocation section using the following table for descriptions and default values:

FieldDescriptionDefault Value
Max Available Ports
  • Maximum number of ports available to the Application.
  • Set this value to 0 to indicate a license from the parent object is being used.
Warn Ports
  • Maximum number of in-use ports before a warning is generated.
  • Set this value to 0 to indicate a license from the parent object is being used.
License LifeAmount of time (in seconds) License Manger holds a license before assuming the license is no longer in use.0s