IVG 5.4.1 release notes

Released January 19, 2024

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG).

In addition to new and updated features, and fixed issues, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified. Visit our Known Issues page for more information.

Release highlights

Component version updates

The following components have been upgraded to the listed versions for IVG 5.4.1:

  • CTI Event Consumer 5.4.1
  • CCIS 5.4.1
  • VIS

We've made additional security enhancements.

We have strengthened our security measures by implementing several vulnerability remediations.

Fixed issues

IDDescriptionVersions affected

An issue affecting uninstallation and reinstallation on the same server has been resolved.

Uninstalling IVG left behind artifacts related to the Apache httpd binary, which could cause issues when reinstalling IVG on the same server afterwards.

We have updated the uninstallation process to ensure that leftover files are cleaned up properly.


The Mindful logo is now displayed in the HMS user interface.

The UI was intended to display the Mindful logo in the past, and now it is displayed as expected.

5.3 and earlier

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