IVG 3.8 release notes

Released January 4, 2019

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG).

In addition to new and updated features, and fixed issues, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified. Visit our Known Issues page for more information.

Release highlights


Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) version 3.8.0 supports upgrading from IVG versions 3.5 or later.

Refer to Upgrading IVG upgrade 3.5.x or later to 3.8.x for more information.

Updated CentOS and RHEL support

IVG 3.8 can be installed on the following Linux OS versions:

  • CentOS version 6.10
  • CentOS version 7.5
  • Red Had Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 6.10
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7.5

Multiple DNIS range

The IVG Setup Wizard has been enhanced to allow for multiple DNIS ranges to be entered in a comma-separated list for each IVG application on the Voice platform application provisioning screen. The IVG Installer automatically provisions these applications with the DNIS ranges saved in the install_ivg.cfg file.

Supported integrations

Support for Avaya TSAPI:

Avaya component requirements are:

  • Communications Manager 6.3 or 7.1
  • Session Manager 6.x or 7.x
  • System Manager 6.x or 7.x
  • Application Enablement Services 6.x or 7.x

Support for Avaya CVLAN

  • Communications Manager 6.3
  • Session Manager 6.3
  • System Manager 6.3
  • Application Enablement Services 6.3

Support for Genesys TServer

  • TServer for Avaya TSAPI 8.1.0

Support for Cisco UCCE

Cisco component requirements are:

  • UCCE 10.5
    • Unified Communications Manager 10.5.1
    • Cisco Voice Platform 10.5.1
    • Intelligent Contact Management 10.5.1
  • UCCE 11.6
    • Unified Communications Manager 11.6.1
    • Cisco Voice Platform 11.6(1)
    • Intelligent Contact Management 11.6(1)

Support for Genesys

Genesys component requirements are:

  • Management Framework 8.1
  • IP Tservers (SIP Server) 8.1
  • Universal Routing Server (URS) 8.1

ORS is not supported for Genesys routing with IVG.

Third-party software

While installing IVG 3.8.0, the installation process also installs the following operating system packaged dependencies:

  • cyrus-sasl-plain
  • dos2unix
  • expat
  • expect
  • gzip
  • ksh
  • libaio
  • libcurl
  • libogg
  • libvorbis
  • libxml2
  • libxslt
  • libyaml
  • mailx
  • ncurses
  • net-snmp
  • net-tool
  • nfs
  • nfs-utils
  • openssh-clients
  • openssl
  • pcre
  • perl
  • postgresql
  • ruby
  • selinux
  • speex
  • tcsh
  • xerces
  • xerces-c
  • zsh


IVG 3.8.0 includes support for the following components:

Voice platform Voice platform patch file VHT Callback® software VIS PTK Agent Priority
Avaya 6.3.22 8.11.1 6.7.0 5.0 X
Cisco UCCE X
Genesys X

Fixed issues


If installing in a multi-IVG deployment, multiple DNIS ranges could not be entered in the IVG Setup Wizard and were finalized in the voice platform UI after all IVGs have been installed. Now, the IVG Setup Wizard allows for multiple DNIS ranges to be entered, and the IVG installer provisions the DNIS ranges. - Affects 3.7.0


If installing with dual Network Interface Cards (NICs) enabled, the IVG Installer interpreted the IP addresses from the hostname command as one. This caused the installer process to fail because the IP address did not match the IP address provided in the install_ivg.cfg file. Now, the IVG Installer interprets the IP addresses separately, which matches the IP address provided in the install_ivg.cfg file. - Affects 3.5.0-3.7.0


During an IVG server restart, the Tomcat service failed to restart on some implementations due to the requiretty security settings. Now, the Tomcat service correctly restarts for these installs by using the su-c command. - Affects 3.2.0-3.7.0

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