IVG 3.11 release notes

Released November 6, 2019

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG).

In addition to new and updated features, and fixed issues, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified. Visit our Known Issues page for more information.

Release highlights

OS Support

Added support for RHEL 7.7 and CentOS 7.7.

New Holly Voice Platform (HVP) Patch

The install_ivg.cfg configuration file for the IVG installer now points to the new HVP patch 6.3.28.

New CCIS Version

IVG 3.11 includes Call Control Interaction Server (CCIS) 3.11. See Fixed Issue 168816862 below for more information.

Installed dependencies

While installing IVG 3.9.0, the installation process also installs the following operating system packaged dependencies:
  • cyrus-sasl-plain
  • dos2unix (RHEL)
  • expat
  • expect
  • gzip
  • ksh
  • libaio
  • libcurl
  • libogg
  • libvorbis
  • libxml2
  • libxslt
  • libyaml
  • mailx
  • ncurses
  • net-snmp
  • net-tool
  • nfs
  • nfs-utils
  • openjdk
  • openssh-clients
  • openssl
  • pcre
  • perl
  • postgresql95-server
  • ruby
  • selinux
  • speex
  • tcsh
  • xerces
  • zsh

Fixed issues

IDDescriptionVersions affected
168955681When installing IVG on two or more servers with local PostgreSQL, the same IP address was listed for all servers in the CTI Event Consumer configuration file (hvp_params_ctieventconsumer.cfg). Now, each server is assigned its own IP address.3.10

Call Control Interaction Server (CCIS) did not wait for confirmation that all interaction data, such as UCID, had been updated before creating an outbound session. This could cause outbound calls to fail and new holding calls to be created unexpectedly.

Now, CCIS waits until the UCID has been updated before creating an outbound session.

3.1 - 3.11

The IVG installer did not check for the "noexec" permission in /etc/fstab for the tmpfs file system. If present, "noexec" caused the Holly Patch Installer to fail. The installer also did not check to ensure 4GB of storage space were allocated.

The installer now checks these items and will mount the file system with the required configuration if needed.

For RHEL and CentOS 6.10:

  • If tmpfs is already mounted with incorrect configuration, the installer will mount the file system as the last entry in /etc/fstab.

For RHEL and CentOS 7.7:

  • If tmpfs is already mounted with incorrect configuration, the installer will mount the file system as the first entry in /etc/fstab.
Prior to 3.11
168192046The IVG uninstaller would remove the Korn Shell (ksh) RPM file along with other dependencies. After uninstalling IVG, this caused login issues for users who had selected ksh as their default shell. Now, the uninstaller leaves the ksh RPM file in place.Prior to 3.11

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