Avaya inbound configuration
The Avaya components used with the Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG) application must be configured correctly for inbound calls to be handled by IVG. The following procedures use the Avaya Site Administration (other comparable terminal emulators can be used if necessary) and System Manager applications to configure the Avaya components. Once configured, vectors must be programmed in Avaya Communication Manager to load the required VDNs. Refer to Building Avaya Vectors for IVG for more information.
Multiple IVG Load Balancing and Failover
In Avaya integrations using multiple IVGs, it is possible to leverage Avaya and IVG mechanisms to support the following functions:
- Load balancing
- High availability
- Failover
Call Flow
The following diagram details how inbound calls are handled in multiple IVG integrations.
Calls progress through this integration as follows:
- Inbound calls arrive at the PSTN (telephone system) and are routed to VDN A, the inbound vector directory number. TDM protocol is used.
- An adjunct route directs the calls to AES (Avaya enablement server). Proprietary Avaya protocol is used.
- AES directs the calls to the VHT Callback® application where the appropriate treatment is determined. In this case, calls are routed back to VDN A, VDN B, Session Manager and on to the IVGs. Proprietary Virtual Hold protocol is used.
- VHT Callback application attaches routing information to the calls and directs them back to VDN A (Communications Manager). Proprietary Avaya protocol is used.
- Communication Manager reads the routing information and directs the calls to VDN B. Proprietary Avaya protocol is used.
- Communication Manager directs the calls to Session Manager. SIP protocol is used.
- Session Manager load balances the calls (using a proprietary Avaya algorithm) across the available IVGs. SIP protocol is used.
- If the IVGs do not receive the load balanced calls for any reason (failure of all IVGs, incorrect DNIS configuration, etc.), Communication Manager routes the calls to a holding queue. Proprietary Avaya protocol is used.
Avaya Configuration
Use the following tools to configure Avaya components to function correctly with and support IVG implementations:
- Avaya Site Administrator - Creates dialing plans (including component parts) and configures trunk groups.
- Avaya System Manager - Creates SIP entities, entity links, and configures routing policies and dial patterns.
Avaya Site Administrator
From the Avaya Site Administrator, perform the following:
- Create a dialing plan that is set to handle the appropriate dialed strings with each string set to a call type of UDP.
- Configure the matching patterns for this dialing plan to use Automatic Alternative Routing.
- Configure the dialed strings for the matching patterns to use the appropriate route pattern and a call type of aar. Output of the Avaya Site Administrator should contain results similar to the following excerpts:
Dialplan and AAR
display dialplan analysis Page 1 of 12
Location: all Percent Full: 3
Dialed Total Call Dialed Total Call Dialed Total Call
String Length Type String Length Type String Length Type
1 5 ext 9 1 fac
2 2 fac * 3 fac
3 5 ext # 3 fac
400 7 udp
41 2 fac
45 5 ext
480 5 udp
4804 5 udp
487 5 udp
488 5 udp
489 5 ext
5 5 ext
6 5 ext
7 3 dac
8 6 ext
display uniform-dialplan 1 Page 1 of 2
Percent Full: 0
Matching Insert Node
Pattern Len Del Digits Net Conv Num
48 5 0 aar n
480 5 0 aar n
display aar analysis 4 Page 1 of 2
Location: all Percent Full: 1
Dialed Total Route Call Node ANI
String Min Max Pattern Type Num Reqd
4 7 7 999 aar n
400xxxx 7 7 6 aar n
4801x 5 5 3 aar n
4802x 5 5 3 aar n
4803x 5 5 5 aar n
4804x 5 5 5 aar n
4805x 5 5 5 aar n
4806x 5 5 5 aar n
4807x 5 5 5 aar n
487xx 5 5 1 aar n
488xx 5 5 1 aar y
5 7 7 999 aar n
53xxx 5 5 1 aar n
54xxx 5 5 1 aar n
6 7 7 999 aar n
display trunk-group 5 Page 2 of 22
Group Type: sip
Unicode Name: auto
Redirect On OPTIM Failure: 5000
SCCAN? n Digital Loss Group: 18
Preferred Minimum Session Refresh Interval(sec): 600
Disconnect Supervision - In? y Out? y
XOIP Treatment: auto Delay Call Setup When Accessed Via IGAR? n
display trunk-group 5 Page 3 of 22
ACA Assignment? n Measured: none
Maintenance Tests? y
Numbering Format: private
UUI Treatment: shared
Maximum Size of UUI Contents: 128
Replace Restricted Numbers? n
Replace Unavailable Numbers? n
Modify Tandem Calling Number: no
Send UCID? y
Show ANSWERED BY on Display? y
DSN Term? n
display trunk-group 5 Page 4 of 22
Universal Call ID (UCID): 2
In-VDN Time: 3
VDN Name: 4
Collected Digits: 5
Other LAI Information: 6
Held Call UCID: 7
display trunk-group 5 Page 5 of 22
Mark Users as Phone? n
Prepend '+' to Calling Number? n
Send Transferring Party Information? n
Network Call Redirection? y
Send Diversion Header? n
Support Request History? y
Telephone Event Payload Type:
Convert 180 to 183 for Early Media? n
Always Use re-INVITE for Display Updates? n
Identity for Calling Party Display: P-Asserted-Identity
Block Sending Calling Party Location in INVITE? n
Enable Q-SIP? n
display trunk-group 5 Page 6 of 22
Administered Members (min/max): 1/24
GROUP MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Total Administered Members: 24
Port Name
1: T00019 IGV to
2: T00020 IVG to
3: T00021 IVG to
4: T00022 IVG to
5: T00023 IVG to
6: T00024 IVG to
7: T00025 IVG to
8: T00026 IVG to
9: T00027 IVG to
10: T00028 IVG to
11: T00054 IVG to
12: T00055 IVG to
13: T00056 IVG to
14: T00057 IVG to
15: T00058 IVG to
display trunk-group 5 Page 7 of 22
Administered Members (min/max): 1/24
GROUP MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS Total Administered Members: 24
Port Name
16: T00059 IVG to
17: T00060 IVG to
18: T00061 IVG to
19: T00062 IVG to
20: T00063 IVG to
21: T00064 IVG to
22: T00065 IVG to
23: T00066 IVG to
24: T00067 IVG to
display route-pattern 5 Page 1 of 3
Pattern Number: 5 Pattern Name: IVG to SM
SCCAN? n Secure SIP? n
Grp FRL NPA Pfx Hop Toll No. Inserted DCS/ IXC
No Mrk Lmt List Del Digits QSIG
Dgts Intw
1: 5 0 n user
2: n user
3: n user
4: n user
5: n user
6: n user
BCC VALUE TSC CA-TSC ITC BCIE Service/Feature PARM No. Numbering LAR
0 1 2 M 4 W Request Dgts Format
1: y y y y y n n rest lev0-pvt none
2: y y y y y n n rest none
3: y y y y y n n rest none
4: y y y y y n n rest none
5: y y y y y n n rest none
6: y y y y y n n rest none
- Configure the route pattern to link to a trunk group.
- Configure the trunk group to be of the type SIP (routes calls from the Avaya Communication Manager to the System Manager). Output of the Avaya Site Administrator should contain results similar to the following excerpts:
The following sample uses tcp as the Transport Method. This transport method is not required, or configured as a default.
Trunk Group and Signalling Group
display trunk-group 5 Page 1 of 22
Group Number: 5 Group Type: sip CDR Reports: y
Group Name: IVG to SM COR: 1 TN: 1 TAC: 726
Direction: two-way Outgoing Display? n
Dial Access? n Night Service:
Queue Length: 0
Service Type: tie Auth Code? n
Member Assignment Method: auto
Signaling Group: 5
Number of Members: 24
display signaling-group 5
Group Number: 5 Group Type: sip
IMS Enabled? n Transport Method: tcp
Q-SIP? n
IP Video? n Enforce SIPS URI for SRTP? y
Peer Detection Enabled? y Peer Server: SM
Near-end Node Name: CLAN01A04 Far-end Node Name: S8800SM
Near-end Listen Port: 5061 Far-end Listen Port: 5061
Far-end Network Region: 1
Far-end Secondary Node Name:
Far-end Domain:
Bypass If IP Threshold Exceeded? n
Incoming Dialog Loopbacks: eliminate RFC 3389 Comfort Noise? n
DTMF over IP: rtp-payload Direct IP-IP Audio Connections? y
Session Establishment Timer(min): 3 IP Audio Hairpinning? n
Enable Layer 3 Test? y Initial IP-IP Direct Media? n
H.323 Station Outgoing Direct Media? n Alternate Route Timer(sec): 6
Avaya System Manager
From the Avaya System Manager, perform the following:
- For each IVG in the network routing plan, create a SIP entity and set the type to SIP Trunk and SIP Link Monitoring to Link Monitoring Enabled.
- For each IVG in the network routing plan, create an Entity Link that uses the UDP protocol.
- Configure the IVG destination in the routing policy to the IVG SIP entity.
- Configure the required dial patterns, with the Originating Location and Routing Policy Names, for those created for IVG usage.