Cisco outbound call scripting

The outbound IVG Cisco call script can be built for two types of outbound call routing:

  • Agent Priority - An agent is reserved before a callback is launched
  • Predictive - Callbacks are launched, and the call is queued until an agent becomes available

Use the following call script to add the required call blocks to your existing outbound call script.

Creating the outbound callback script

The outbound callback script includes call blocks for both Predictive and Agent Priority scripting.

outbound call script


If not leveraging Agent Priority in your solution, begin your outbound script with Step 3.


Agent Priority for IVG Cisco UCCE holds the IVG session until the call is completed.

  • Add an If node to evaluate whether or not the outbound call is registered for Agent Priority. If the call is not registered for Agent Priority, the call is treated as a predictive callback, and follows the outbound call script beginning with Step 3.
    • Define the condition as Call.PeriphralVariable9="AP"

The Peripheral Variable should match the variable for agent_priority_call_variable_number in the OCC section of the Peripheral Monitor site.config.

  • Add a Run External Scriptnode to execute the Agent Priority:
    • Select Network VRU script name that defines the GS,CiscoAP,V External Script
    • Create a new VRU interaction
  • Add an Application Gateway node for VH_TrackCall. This allows the VHT Callback Queue Manager application to successfully track calls for queuing, and answered or abandoned events. This block is required for ACD and CVP queuing.
  • Add an Application Gateway node for VH_GetVars to attach the VHT Callback call variables. This allows user data to be reattached to the call from the inbound call leg. This block is required for ACD and CVP queuing.

For CVP queuing, you may need to add a Translation Route to VRU OR Send to VRU before the call progresses to outbound queuing.

  • Proceed with outbound queuing.