Avaya UUI routing treated voice segments configuration standards


UUI based routing requires a small number VDNs per treated segment, but requires a single UUI position to be reserved for use by the On-Premise Callback application to help with call routing.

  • Use the same position across all VDNs and vectors in this system since the configuration parameters for this routing method are a system level settings in the On-Premise Callback application.
  • The vector logic uses vector variables by checking a UUI position for a specific value to aide with call routing.
  • There are two different deployment models for UUI based routing.

Single VDN Model

A single VDN is used for the entry, routing, holding, and callback VDN. This results in one VDN per treated segment instead of the four that are required when using VDN based routing,

single VDN model

Single VDN and Vector with UUI Character

This single VDN (segment) is required for each treated voice segment in the VHT Callback application. The VDN is unique per queue in the VHT Callback application, and can not be shared across multiple queues in the VHT Callback system. The key here is the checks in the vector since the VHT Callback application updates a UUI value to help with call routing.

single VDN vector

  1. Wait step - Gives the call time to establish on the VDN. Standard is 0 seconds.
  2. Goto Step for Choose Hold Calls - Jumps to a step in the vector that queues the call at a medium priority. When a caller chooses to hold, or needs to leave our Inbound IVR and route to queue, the call is transferred back to this VDN with the defined UUI character updated to reflect the call should queue to skill at a normal priority. If the UUI character is not flagged for this call type, then it moves to the next step.
  3. Goto Step for Underthreshold Calls - Jumps to a step in the vector that queues the call at a medium priority. When a call should not be treated due to underthreshold EWT or untreated OP mode, the call is transferred back to this VDN with the defined UUI character updated to reflect the call should queue to skill at a normal priority. If the UUI character is not flagged for this call type, then it moves to the next step.
  4. Goto Step for IVG Calls - Jumps to a step in the vector that sends calls to IVG. The vector targets an AAR number that routes calls to IVG through a SIP INVITE. This step is followed by a wait step to allow IVG time to accept the call. If the call is rejected, call control is still in the hands of CM so the call can be sent to queue. Without this step, calls would be disconnected. If the UUI character is not flagged for this call type, then it moves to the next step.
  5. Goto Step for VHT Callback Calls - Jumps to a step in the vector that queues the call at a high priority since the caller received their callback and selected to speak to an agent. When the transfer off the outbound IVR occurs, the call is transferred back to this VDN with the defined UUI character updated to reflect the call should queue to skill at a high priority. If the UUI character is not flagged for this call type, then it moves to the next step.
  6. Goto Step for Agent Priority calls - Jumps to a step in the vector that treats the call as an Agent Priority call. When the call is transferred back to this VDN with the defined UUI character, the call should queue to a skill at high priority. If the UUI character is not flagged for this call type, then it moves to the next step.
  7. Adjunct to VHT Callback application - Generates a route request allowing the VHT Callback application to determine if calls should route to queue or the Callback IVR for treatment. Queue Manager responds to the adjunct by routing the call back to the VDN but with the updated UUI character which will trigger the goto step vector logic ensuring calls receive the correct treatment. Add a wait step after the adjunct. Five seconds is the standard, but can be set lower since responses are usually provided by the VHT Callback application within one second. If a response is not received, the call should be sent to queue to ensure the call is handled accordingly and not disconnected.

AAR Number

An AAR number is required for each treated voice segment in the VHT Callback application. The AAR number is used to establish calls in IVG.

The following steps should be performed in Avaya Site Administration (ASA):

  1. Create a dialing plan that is set to handle the appropriate dialed strings with each string set to a call type of UDP.
  2. Configure the matching patterns for this dialing plan to use Automatic Alternative Routing.
  3. Configure the dialed strings for the matching patterns to use the appropriate route pattern and a call type of aar. Output of the Avaya Site Administrator should contain results similar to the following excerpts:
  4. Configure the route pattern to link to a trunk group.
  5. Configure the trunk group to be of the type SIP (routes calls from the Avaya Communication Manager to the System Manager)

The following steps should be performed in Avaya System Manager:

  1. For each IVG in the network routing plan, create a SIP entity and set the type to SIP Trunk and SIP Link Monitoring to Link Monitoring Enabled.
  2. For each IVG in the network routing plan, create an Entity Link that uses the UDP protocol.
  3. Configure the IVG destination in the routing policy to the IVG SIP entity.
  4. Configure the required dial patterns, with the Originating Location and Routing Policy Names, for those created for IVG usage.

Multiple VDN Model

In this model a there is an entry VDN that contains the routing VDN, and a single VDN to handle queuing. This results in two VDNs per treated segment, and allows for better ACD level reporting on the VDN level to determine the number of holding calls.

multiple VDN model

Entry VDN and Vector with UUI Character

An entry VDN (segment) is required for each treated voice segment in the VHT Callback application. The VDN is unique per queue in the VHT Callback application, and cannot be shared across multiple queues in the the VHT Callback system. The key here is the checks in the vector since the VHT Callback application updates a UUI value to help with call routing. The entry VDN combines the entry VDN vector logic with the routing VDN logic.

entry VDN

  1. Wait step - Gives the call time to establish on the VDN. Standard is 0 seconds.
  2. Goto Step for IVG Calls - Jumps to a step in the vector that sends calls to IVG. The vector will target an AAR number that routes calls to IVG through a SIP INVITE. This step is followed by a wait step to allow IVG time to accept the call. If the call is rejected, call control is still in the hands of CM so the call can be sent to queue. Without this step, calls would be disconnected. If the UUI character is not flagged for this call type, then it moves to the next step.
  3. Adjunct to Callback - Generates a route request that allows the VHT Callback application to determine if calls should route to queue or the VHT Callback IVR for treatment. Queue Manager responds to the adjunct by routing the call back to the VDN but with the updated UUI character which will trigger the goto step vector logic ensuring calls receive the correct treatment. A wait step should be added after the adjunct. Five seconds is the standard but can be set lower since responses are usually provided by the VHT Callback application with in 1 second. If a response is not received, the call should be sent to queue to ensure the call is handled accordingly and not disconnected.

Queuing VDN and Vector

A queuing VDN is required for each treated voice segment in the VHT Callback application. The VDN is unique per queue in the VHT Callback application and can not be shared across multiple queues in the VHT Callback system. The key here is the checks in the vector since the VHT Callback application updates a UUI value to help with call routing.

queueing vector

  1. Wait step - Gives the call time to establish on the VDN. Standard is 0 seconds.
  2. Goto Step for Choose Hold Calls - Jumpsp to a step in the vector that queues the call at a medium priority. When a caller chooses to hold, or needs to leave our Inbound IVR and route to queue, the call is transferred back to this VDN with the defined UUI character updated to reflect the call should queue to skill at a normal priority. If the UUI character is not flagged for this call type, then it moves to the next step.
  3. Goto Step for Underthreshold Calls - Jumps to a step in the vector that queues the call at a medium priority. When a call should not be treated due to underthreshold EWT or untreated OP mode, the call is transferred back to this VDN with the defined UUI character updated to reflect the call should queue to skill at a normal priority. If the UUI character is not flagged for this call type, then it moves to the next step.
  4. Goto Step for VHT Callback Calls - Jumps to a step in the vector that queues the call at a high priority since the caller received their callback and selected to speak to an agent. When the transfer off the outbound IVR occurs, the call is transferred back to this VDN with the defined UUI character updated to reflect the call should queue to skill at a high priority.

The single VDN is configured as the following in the VHT Callback application. Based on the middleware, the single VDN configured as an segment in the VHT Callback application requires a prefix.


CVLAN and Genesys TServer are not supported with single VDN using UUI based routing.

UUI Based Routing
Queueing VDNDescription

High Priority VDN &

Normal Priority VDN

VDN per treated segment to transfer high priority calls such as caller accepting their callback who is ready to transfer to queue and normal priority calls such as choose hold or queue speak callers