HVP patch 6.3.25 release notice

Released May 17, 2019

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features in Interactive Voice Gateway (IVG).

In addition to new and updated features, and fixed issues, Mindful shares known issues that our developers, testers, and customers have identified. Visit our Known Issues page for more information.


The HVP 6.3.25 patch release notes and release binaries can be obtained from Mindful.

HVP-6.3.25 Release Note: (there is only one release note for all supported OS versions)

  • HVP-6.3.25-2816-43513-rh6 (RHEL 6 64-bit)
  • HVP-6.3.25-2817-43513-rh7 (RHEL 7)

HVP 6.3.25 Release Binaries:

  • HVP-6.3.25-2816-43513-rh6.install
  • HVP-6.3.25-2817-43513-rh7.install

Rollback procedure

See the HVP-6.3.25 Release Note for the patch release Installation and Rollback notes.

If the SIP Secure feature had been opted-in (see notes for HVP-6.3.19) prior to the installation, then this minor release installation will revert SIP settings to pre-HVP-6.3.18 settings, i.e.: SIP ports will revert to 5060 and 5061, and HVP will only support UDP. In order to continue using SIP Secure, the following command must be run post-installation to once again opt-in to SIP Secure:

cs -i <holly home directory>/cfg/sip_ap-compat-6.4.cscfg

Fixed issues

ID Description Type
HVP-11545 HVP should use correct destination address for SIP requests, including host, port, and transport protocol. Bug
HVP-11547 HVP does not use correct destination protocol and default port for SIPS URIs. Bug
HVP-11560 Send SIP responses to correct destination based on protocol. Enhancement

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