
Statistics displays statistical data for sessions, such as the total number of sessions and average focus time for each session during a selected time period with optional segments applied.

Viewing session statistics

On the navigation bar, go to Analyze > Sessions > Analyze and click the Statistics dropdown menu.Session statistics

The following statistics are available:
Note: Hover over the graph to view the statistic value at each point during the selected time period.
TOTAL SESSIONSTotal number of sessions
TOTAL PAGE VIEWSTotal number of pageviews
AVG PAGE VIEWSAverage number of pageviews in all sessions
AVG FOCUS TIMEAverage focus time in all sessions
Note: The focus time is the length of time the property was the main screen on the user's device.

Percentage of sessions with JavaScript errors


Percentage of sessions wih HTTP errors

FORM ERROR RATEPercentage of sessions with form errors
AVG TRACKED EVENTSAverage number of achieved tracked events in sessions
AVG EVENT VALUEAverage value of achieved tracked events per session