Question data labels

Special language-independent labels that you assign to your questions can be used in CSL and API to refer to a question and the label that will be used in reports and downloads.

Data labels in CSL

For example, to get the answer to the 'Number of employees' question, use this variable:


This variable is stable. If you insert a new question somewhere in the survey then the variable using the question number is no longer correct, since the question would have a new number. By using the data label, the variable does not change.

When using CSL or survey variables, only use data labels to refer to questions.

Data labels in raw data

When you download the raw data of your survey in Excel or SPSS, you will see that each column header contains your entire question. If a question changes or moves, then the column header would also change.

To keep the header the same, you can use data labels. A data label can only be used once in a survey, so it is unique. The data labels are also included when retrieving data through the API.

Since data labels are shorter, the text also fits in the standard column width and is no longer cut off.



Adding a question data label

  1. Open your survey.
  2. Edit the question that contains the data label you want to add or change.
  3. Select the Settings tab.

  4. Add or change the data label of this question.

    Data label.

  5. Click Save.
Note: Data labels can be added or changed while your survey is live. Changing data labels in a live survey can have consequences for question display logic, pre-filling, e-mails, notifications, and API.