Reversed extraction
With regular extraction, ou can make sure that subsequent questions only show certain options that your respondents have marked in a previous question. Reversed extraction does exactly the opposite; it shows the options that your respondent does not select.
To set up reversed extraction, first create your source question and your target question (the question that will only show the options that were NOT marked in the source question). Create these questions on separate pages. Add a question data label, preferably to both questions, but at the very least to the source question. You will need this in your CSL code later on.
Now edit the target question by completing the following steps:
- Select the Display logic tab for your question.
- Select Hide if next to each response option (leave the question itself on Show).
- Add the following code to each box:
Replace '[LABEL]' with the actual question data label that your gave the source question.
Replace 'x' with the number corresponding to the answer option's order in the list (e.g., the first answer option receives '1', the second '2', etc).
It's always possible for a respondent to select all of the provided options. In that case, your follow-up question becomes redundant and should not be asked.
There are two ways in which you can make respondents skip this question:
- Make them skip the entire page.
- Let them go to this page but hide the question instead.
Skip the entire page
See Branching and Page display logic for additional details.
Use either of these when your follow-up question is the only question on a page or when none of the other questions present on that page are valid when all of the options in the source question have been selected.
Hide the question
You can still let respondents visit the page that contains the follow-up question. Just make sure to hide the question when all options are selected by using Question display logic.
Use this option when there are other questions present on this page that this particular respondent still needs to fill out. It is recommended that you put these questions on a separate page and make use of page display logic or branching instead.
If the respondent selects None of the above as an answer, the reversed extraction will still work; however, it won't be hiding any of the options as none were selected. In this case, no additional actions are required.