Assigning an Interaction

The SDK automatically assigns an Interaction path to each View Controller. To override the Interaction path that is created automatically, call your View Controller and pass your desired Interaction path as a String in the assignAutomaticInteraction method.

In your viewDidLoad or any other view lifecycle methods, which come before viewDidAppear, simply set an Interaction path as shown below:

override func viewDidLoad() {
	if let interaction = try? MXOInteraction(withString: "/InteractionPath") {
        	do {
                	try MedalliaMXO.assign(automaticInteraction: MXOAutomaticInteractionAssignment { builder in
                    		builder.interaction = interaction
                   		builder.viewController = self
            	} catch {
                	print("Error assigning an interaction: \(error.localizedDescription)")
- (void)viewDidLoad {
	[super viewDidLoad];
	NSError *error;
    	MXOInteraction *interaction = [MXOInteraction initWithString:@"/InteractionPath" error:&error];
    	if (error) {
        	NSLog(@"Failed to create an interaction: %@", [error debugDescription]);
    	__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
    	[MedalliaMXO assignAutomaticInteraction:[MXOAutomaticInteractionAssignment initWithBuilder:^(MXOAutomaticInteractionAssignmentBuilder * _Nonnull builder) {
        	builder.interaction = interaction;
           	builder.viewController = weakSelf;
    	}] error:&error];
	if (error) {
        	NSLog(@"Error assigning an interaction: %@", [error debugDescription]);
Tip: When setting the Interaction path programmatically, ensure the Interaction starts with a / and only contains letters, numbers and/or dashes.