Viewing a challenge on your mobile

The challenge page is where you will find all of the information about a challenge; you can learn how to post your own idea and you can see all of the ideas that other people have posted to that challenge. From this page, you can go into ideas to comment and vote on them. Each challenge will have its own page, and they're a great place to start if you want to get involved with your community. When you first log into the mobile version, you'll see a list of challenges that you can participate in (depending on how your community is set up):

Community hub with a Welcome message and listing three challenges as tiles

In this article:

  • The challenge and short brief
  • Challenge statistics
  • Top contributor
  • The ideas list
  • Sorting Ideas

The challenge and short brief

The short brief is the text underneath the challenge title, it's an overview of what the challenge is about and how you can get involved.

See Post an idea for more information.

A challenge titled :How might we generate sources of new business?"

At the bottom of the challenge brief, you may see the words Read more, this means that the Community administrator has added more information about the challenge. By tapping Read More, you will see any additional information that the community administrator has added.

Challenge Statistics

Underneath the challenge brief, you will see icons and numbers that show the activity in the challenge.

  • The light bulb represents the number of ideas in the challenge.

  • The thumb shows the number of votes that have been placed in the challenge.

  • The speech bubble icon shows the number of comments in the challenge.

  • The people icon shows how many people are participating in the challenge.

Challenge statics showing lightbulb 62, thumb up 33, comment bubble 735, people 124

Below the challenge statistics, you will see the top 5 users, those who have earned the most points from activity within the challenge. If you want to see more of the people who have participated most in a challenge, tap the arrow to the right of Top contributors to open the challenge leader board.

The ideas list

As you scroll down the page, you will see the ideas that have been added to the challenge.

For each idea you'll see the idea title, the first few sentences and the main image for the idea, if one has been added. If you want to see the full idea, tap the title or description to go to that idea's page.

If a challenge allows voting on the ideas, at the bottom of the idea tile, you'll see it's score and have the opportunity to vote for it yourself. The button is different depending on what type of voting is used for that challenge, here are some examples of what it could look like:

Voting statistics:Blue color stats: 7 points, 6 score (thumb up); Green color stats: 3 votes Thumbs up/down, 9.0/10 Scorecard, 4+ 5-star ratings

Sorting ideas

In most challenges, ideas will automatically be sorted by Most recent, showing the newest ideas at the top of the list. You can change the how ideas are sorted by tapping the arrow next to 'Most recent', this will open a list of the different ways by which you can sort the ideas in that challenge. Select a different sorting criteria by tapping on that option.

Ideas list Showing Latest (ideas), and filter is open to who options Latest, Random, Most Discussed, and Most Votes

Not all sorting options will be available in all challenges (depending on how they have been set up by the community administrator), but if they have been enabled, you may be able to sort the ideas using these criteria:

  • Most Recent: Shows the ideas in order of the date they were posted, starting with the most recent.

  • Random shows: you a mixed list of ideas within the challenge in no specific order.

  • Most discussed: shows the ideas in order of how many comments they have received.

  • Most votes: Shows the ideas that have received the most votes from the community (highest to lowest).