Do Not Contact List

The Do Not Contact (DNC) List can be used to specify phone numbers and email addresses that are not allowed to be contacted via the Mindful Feedback platform. You can access the DNC List from the menu on the left under Do Not Contact List.

Survey Behavior with the DNC List

A survey can be scheduled with an email and phone number that matches an entry in the DNC list. Mindful Feedback will restrict the survey when it evaluates whether the survey can be sent (i.e. at the scheduled_at time). The status of the survey will be set to "Prevented due to survey restriction" and an event log entry will be labeled "Survey Prevented Due to Do Not Call entry".

Note: Surveys restricted by a survey restriction or DNC entry will not show in any reporting. The only way to view these interactions is from the interactions pane of the survey management page (filter by status = Prevented due to survey restriction).
image of the do not contact list page

There are several ways a number or email address can be added to the DNC. These ways are explained in more detail below.

Add DNC Entries Manually

To manually add an email or phone number to the DNC list, make an entry in the input box at the top of the page and click the Add Number or Email button.

image of the Add Phone or Email modal window

Add DNC Entries via CSV Upload

To add entries via a CSV file, click Upload Do Not Contact List CSV File near the top-right corner of the page. There is a sample CSV file available and this can also be accessed from this help topic from the sidebar.

example C.S.V. file

The CSV file should have a single column of data (no title row required) and each row should be a new phone number or email address.

Add DNC Entries Through Customer Actions

There are several actions customers can take when receiving a survey through different survey methods that will add their email or phone number to the DNC list.

Email Footer Unsubscribe

In the footer of all email surveys is an "unsubscribe" link. If the customer clicks this link they will be prompted to add their email address to the DNC list.

Replying to SMS Messages

If the SMS survey is sent from a number that will accept replies (i.e. not an Alphanumeric number) the customer can reply with the word "STOP" to be added to the DNC list. If the customer replies "START" to the same phone number they will be removed from the DNC list.

Survey Prompt Link

There is an unsubscribe link attribute that can be placed into a survey prompt. If this link is clicked by the customer they will be shown options to add their number/email to the DNC list. Below is a sample unsubscribe link that might be included in the greeting of a Web SMS survey:

Thank you for your recent inquiry. We would really appreciate some feedback on how well we handled your inquiry. [%survey_type%==websms??Click here to complete our online survey: %weblink_short%

To unsubscribe from further surveys please click here: %unsubscribe_link_short%]