Survey type, completion, and abandon rate

Survey Type Metrics

The Survey Type Breakdown chart shows a pie chart of the relative frequencies of survey types. To see precise numbers for each survey type, hover over the chart.

The Survey Completion % by Type chart shows for each survey type the percentage of interactions that have been completed out of all surveys that started or were scheduled to start within the selected date range.

example of survey type charts

Note: Completion Percentage Calculation -

The calculation of the completion percentage is only accurate when the Dashboard filter includes only survey interactions that have ended. The calculation is:

number of completed surveys/number of ended surveys x 100.

An "ended survey" has either completed or abandoned. A "completed survey" has reached a completed status.

For example - the Dashboard was filtered by the "Last 3 Days".If 10 callers were transferred to a voice survey and eight completed and two abandoned, the survey completion % would be 80%. This would be accurate because the 10 calls were started and completed within the last three days (a voice survey, once started, can only be completed or abandoned within a few minutes).

However...If 10 email surveys were sent to customers and three completed, three started and one abandoned, the survey completion % would be 75%.

3 "completed" / 4 "ended" x 100 = 75%

This would not be accurate yet because the final status of the remaining 6 surveys is not yet known.

If the timeout for the email survey is set to three days, then you would need to filter the Dashboard by a period that covers the three days from start to finish - in other words if the current date is 15 March, You would need to filter the Dashboard for the period 9 March to 12 March.

Note: If the Surveys Overview chart shows only values in Completed or Abandoned, then the Completion % will be accurate.

Question Abandon Rate

The Question Abandon Rate chart shows the number of surveys abandoned while viewing each question. This chart can help to identify a trend of particular questions leading to higher abandon rates, which can provide greater insight into the completion percentages of your surveys.

  • The x-axis represents the questions that customers were viewing or hearing when they abandoned the survey. In the example below, the customer abandoned while viewing Question 2.
  • If a survey is abandoned before the customer responds to the first question, that survey will not be included in the chart.

image of the question abandon rate graph

Survey Volume Over Time

The Survey Volume Over Time chart shows the number of interactions marked completed, abandoned, or active/pending throughout the selected date range. Here you can identify trends in abandon rates compared to successful interactions to catch potential opportunities for improvement.

example of the survey volume over time graph