Mindful platform November 2023 release notes

Released November 30, 2023

Read about the latest system updates, feature enhancements, and new features on the Mindful platform.
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Release highlights

The Call Target page has been updated with a new design!

We are pleased to announce a fresh update to the design of the Call Target page on the Mindful platform, aimed at enhancing the user experience and streamlining your workflows. Our focus was on making the page more intuitive, efficient, and visually appealing.

What's New:

  • Condensed Settings: We've re-arranged the settings to ensure a more compact layout, allowing you to view more information at a glance.
  • Easier Access: Based on feedback from our users, we've completely redesigned the General tab to make it easier to navigate and use.
  • Smart Search Feature: The new search functionality instantly highlights the setting you're looking for, saving time and effort.
  • Organized into Accordions: Related settings are now neatly organized into accordions, promoting a clearer understanding of what each section contains.
  • Familiar Functionality, Better Visibility: All the features you're familiar with are still there, but now they're easier to find and utilize efficiently.
image of the call target page

We are dedicated to continually improving your experience with Mindful, and this redesign is just one of the many steps we're taking to ensure you get the most out of our platform.

For more information on these exciting changes, see the Call Targets Page article after release.

Additional updates

  • You can now enable or disable callback registration options individually. We've redesigned the approach to managing callback registration options. You will no longer need Mindful Support to enable the callback offer in Mindful, and you can now toggle all registration options on and off, including:
    • ASAP callback
    • Scheduled callback
    • Message intercept
    • Choose hold
    You can designate any option as a single choice to present to customers or use any combination of the available options together. To accommodate different combinations of options, we've added new audio files to Media Sets, as well.To learn more, see Call Target Registration Settings and Media Sets after release.image of new registration options
  • Callback Double Check (CBDC) is now configurable. You can now enable or disable CBDC for individual Call Targets and control the feature's scope. In the past, CBDC applied by default, checking each new callback request to ensure that an existing request was not present in the system before registering a new one. This release gives you more control over where CBDC is activated and where it looks for duplicate requests. You can find the new settings in the Registration section of the Call Target page.image of the callback double check scope dropdown menu

  • The Estimated Callback Time (ECBT) announcement is now more customizable.

    You can still choose to announce the ECBT during the offer or after registration, and now three additional options are available:

    • ECBT Playback Type: You can now select from two options--Range or Exact.
    • Minimum ECBT: This value is used when announcing a single minimum ECBT ("we can call you back in less than one minute").
    • Maximum ECBT: This value is used when announcing a single maximum ECBT ("we can call you back in more than one hour").
  • You now have more control over playing back Metadata Items to agents and customers.

    In the past, audio or DTMF Metadata Items were always played to agents. Now, you can choose whether or not to play each item to agents.

    In addition, you can now designate one Metadata Item to be played back to customers during the callback hailing prompts. This new option can be used in many ways. For example, you could ask customers to record their names when registering callbacks, then play the names back to them when they reconnect.

    To learn more, see How to Add or Edit Metadata Items after release.

  • We've added the ability to dynamically embed a Scheduler Widget link into any text messages sent from Mindful.

    For each individual message, you now have the option to select a particular Scheduler Widget and automatically embed a link to that Widget anywhere in the message.example notification with a widget U.R.L. element highlighted

  • A new search field is available on the Call Target and Media Set pages.

    In addition to exploring the improved organization and design, you can now search for settings on the Call Target page or audio files on the Media Set page via new search fields. After submitting a search, any settings with matching names will be highlighted on the page.image of the new search field

  • We've updated the configurable settings available on the Smart Rules page.

    The list of configurable settings available to Smart Rules has been re-organized to match the new enhancements to the Call Target page, and we've updated the names of many settings to match the new names on the Call Target page.image of new smart rules options

    In addition, the following new settings were added:

    • Enable Callback Double Check
    • Callback Double Check Scope
    • ECBT Playback Type
    • Minimum ECBT
    • Maximum ECBT
    • Offer ASAP Callback

    For a complete list of settings available to configure via Smart Rules, see the Smart Rules reference guide.

  • Normal callback scheduling is now available during the end-of-day period.

    In addition to offering next-day callbacks and the option to hold, you can now extend the normal scheduling offer through the end-of-day period. This will allow your customers greater flexibility in reaching you near the end of the business day.

  • You can now offer text scheduling in the After Hours menu.

    Previously, only voice scheduling could be offered after the close of business hours. With this update, scheduling via text message is now possible, as well.

  • Mindful now stores the ECBT calculated for all calls, for historical analysis.

    Previously, ECBT was calculated for all calls, but was only available in historical reporting for callbacks (not choose-hold calls or other incomplete registrations). Now, you can view ECBT for all call types in Call Detail reports.

  • We've added helper text to assist with creating new Call Targets.

    example of highlighting required fieldsIf you attempt to save a new Call Target with one or more required fields left blank, the UI will now highlight the required fields in addition to listing them near the top of the page. This will help to save time when creating new Call Targets, by revealing exactly what is missing.

  • You can now attach UUI data in the Refer-To header of SIP REFER messages using a SIP Metadata Item.

    If your telephony environment cannot accept SIP Re-INVITEs, then you can enable Use SIP REFER for Choose Holds to instruct Callback to use REFER when passing a choose-hold call back to the contact center. In this scenario, you can now configure Mindful to pass along UUI data back to the contact center.

    • First, enable Use SIP REFER for Choose Holds on the same Call Target (SIP section).
    • Next, configure a Metadata Item specifically named "UUI" or "User-to-user".
    • Then, enable Append UUI to Refer-To Header on the same Call Target (SIP section) to pass UUI data in Refer-To headers.

    To learn more, see How to Work With User Data and Metadata after release.

  • We've made a quality-of-life improvement to the experience of uploading custom media files.

    Previously, the outer accordions would collapse after adding a custom media file. Now, any accordions that were already open will remain open after uploading the file. This enhances the user experience, especially when uploading multiple custom files.

  • Help links have been updated throughout the user interface.The help links available throughout the Mindful platform will now lead here, to our new and improved help center (https://help.getmindful.com)!

Fixed issues

  • (MCB-3382) The Text Scheduled Callback Experience feature now considers the Number of Days Out to Allow Scheduling (Widget/API) setting.

    Previously, the number of days allowed when using the text-scheduling feature was based on the Number of Days Out to Schedule Voice Callbacks setting (now called Number of Days Out to Allow Scheduling (Voice)). The new behavior will use the more appropriate setting for widget scheduling, Number of Days Out to Allow Scheduling (Widget/API).

  • (MCB-2858) The ECBT calculated for retries is now more accurate.

    Previously, ECBT was calculated for retries using the same formula as first-attempt callbacks. However, retries are placed in the front of the line to be dialed, whereas first attempts are placed at the back of the line. As a result, using the same formula in both scenarios could result in discrepancies between the calculated ECBT and the actual wait time.

    The updated formula for the ECBT of retries now takes their earlier queue position into account.

  • (INT-593) Callbacks requested via Widget will now consider the Max Per Minute Rate, if configured.

    The Max Per Minute Rate can be used to limit potential toll charges when dialing international phone numbers. Previously, Widget callbacks did not take this rate into account, which allowed callbacks to be dialed in excess of the configured rate.

    Now, Widget callbacks will be rejected when the Max Per Minute Rate is exceeded, and rate-related information will be included in Call Detail reports for these calls.

    Note: This was previously resolved in the public instance of Mindful, but not released in the new instance introduced for the Spring Release.

  • (MCB-3520) Default values for Call Target settings are now displayed properly for new Call Targets.

    A few default values, while applied to their respective settings, were not displayed for those settings in the UI after creating a new Call Target. With this release, all default values will be shown.

  • (MCB-3470 and MCB-3487) Filters are now working as expected on exported Call Detail reports.

    When exporting a Call Detail report to a file, the filters configured in the UI were not being taken into account in the exported data. This included the Include All Call Attempts checkbox. When checked, exported results were not including all attempts.

    Now, exported results will use the filters as expected.

  • (MCB-3444) An issue with the display of Callback statuses in the Call Detail report has been resolved.

    Previously, a pending first-attempt callback showed "Pending:SystemHangup" or "Pending:CustomerHangup" in the Status column of the Call Detail report. Now, only "Pending" will be displayed.

  • (INT-727) An issue causing delays on the Call Detail page has been resolved.

    When a callback record contained a large number of retries (20 or more), there could be long delays in opening that particular record on the Call Detail page. We've updated the logic used to retrieve data in this scenario to prevent the unexpectedly long delays.

  • (MCB-3429) An issue affecting the Widget for Text Scheduled Callback field has been resolved.

    Once a widget had been assigned in the Widget for Text Scheduled Callback field, the field could not be set back to a null value. It was only possible to select a different widget, but not to return to a state of having no widget selected. With this release, we've updated the field to allow you to reselect the default option of no widgets assigned.

  • (MCB-3496) An issue that could create blank entries in Audit logs has been resolved.

    This issue was caused by a routine maintenance procedure in our platform infrastructure, and we have put measures in place to prevent blank entries in the Audit log in the future.

  • (MCB-3414) Choose Hold Numbers are no longer required in Dynamic DNIS Mappings.

    Previously, the Choose Hold Number field was required when configuring Dynamic DNIS Mappings. This was not appropriate in all scenarios, such as when the callback/hold offers are made on an ACD before calls are transferred to Mindful.

    Starting with this release, the Choose Hold Number field is no longer required for Dynamic DNIS Mappings.

  • (INT-716) Cloning a Widget Template will now copy all configuration from the cloned Template to the new one. Previously, a cloned Widget template would only contain default configuration.

  • (MCB-3200) We are now able to match inbound calls to Mindful based on the E.164 format.

    This applies to custom SIP numbers added by Mindful staff at clients' request, rather than SIP numbers provisioned by clients directly in the UI. Starting with this update, custom SIP numbers can be matched to Mindful Call Targets when they are received in E.164 format.

  • (MCB-2697) An issue affecting extension dialing has been resolved.

    The Allow Extension or Phone Number setting stopped working after a recent update. With this update, the issue has been resolved, and extension dialing can be used again.

  • (MCB-3490) The name of the "Enable" checkbox on the Create/Edit Scheduler Widget pages has been updated.

    The name of the checkbox continued to reference "Digital Callback" after the service was renamed to "Mindful Scheduler". The setting is now named Enable Scheduler Widget.

  • (MCB-3427) The NextDayCallbackOffered event will now be logged at the appropriate time.

    The event was being logged before a next-day callback was successfully registered, which could cause unexpected results when filtering Call Detail reports. The NextDayCallbackOffered event will now only be logged after a successful registration of a next-day callback during the End of Day period.

  • (MCB-3492) With international dialing enabled, the Phone Numbers page will once again allow PSTN numbers to be provisioned.

    A recent update removed the ability to provision PSTN number when international dialing was enabled for an Organization. This functionality has been restored in this release.