Callback performance

Explore the functionalities and metrics of the Callback Performance Dashboard.

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The Callback Performance Dashboard, as the name implies, focuses on qualitative metrics of your Callback conversations. This includes talk and response time, as well as how some of these measures are impacted by certain behaviors within the Mindful environment. Whereas the other dashboards in Mindful Insights focus on the "what" of conversations, the Callback Performance Dashboard focuses on the "why."

For a breakdown of how some of these metrics are calculated, see Insights dashboards calculations.

image of the callback performance dashboard

Check out the following video for an overview of the Callback Performance dashboard.

Filters and Downloads

To learn more about the filtering and sorting options available in Insights, as well as options for downloading and scheduling reports, see Insights filters and downloads.

Chart Drill-down Capabilities

All of the graphical displays on the Insights dashboards include the ability to drill down into the data represented on the graph, allowing you to see specific and customized views of the data.

  1. Hover over the section of the graph that you would like to drill down into. In this example, the Early section of the graph is the area of interest. A pop-up describing the section of the graph will appear.

    example of drill down capabilities
  2. Click on the selected section of the graph. A menu listing the different drill-down options will appear.

    example of drill down capabilities
  3. Select the drill-down option of your choice. In this example, by Call Target Name is selected. A visualization of the data will appear. If you would prefer to see the data presented as a table, click the Table button.

    example of drill down capabilities
  4. To download the data, click the Download button in the upper right corner. A modal will appear. From this modal, you can configure your desired file format. Expand the Advanced data options to configure additional options.

    example of drill down capabilities
  5. When ready, click the Download button.

Historical Callback Metrics

This section of the Callback Performance dashboard provides metrics related to historical callback times for the date range you selected.

image of the Callback Performance Dashboard's Historical Callback Times readout with sample data

  • Callbacks: total callbacks for the selected date range
  • Queue time saved: the total length of time saved for ASAP callbacks, measured as the response time between the callback request and the first callback attempt to the customer
  • Data As Of: the date and time that the displayed data was pulled
  • Avg Wait Duration: the average customer hold time for all callbacks
  • Wait Duration: the average customer hold time, broken down by time period
  • Avg Talk Duration: the average call talk time for all callbacks
  • Talk Duration: the average call talk time for all callbacks, broken down by time period
  • Avg Estimated Callback Time: the average length of time until callback requests were estimated to be fulfilled (for ASAP callbacks only)
  • Avg ASAP Response Time: the actual average response time for ASAP callbacks
  • Estimated vs. Actual Response Time: a comparison of average estimated callback time and actual response time, broken down by time period

Customer Metrics

In addition to high-level averages and aggregates, this section of the Callback Performance dashboard provides a more in-depth analysis of customer behavior, as well as some practices that might drive higher callback success rates.

image of Callback Performance Dashboard customer metrics

  • Success %: the percentage of successful callbacks for your organization
  • Customers: the distinct number of customer phone numbers used for callback requests
  • Callback Outcomes: the proportion of outcomes over the selected period, broken down by week. Possible outcomes include:
    • Abandon
    • Canceled
    • Failure
    • Success
    • Unavailable
  • Punctuality Rate: the percentage of callbacks made punctually over the selected period, broken down by week
  • Callback Abandon Rate: the percentage of calls abandoned over the selected period, broken down by week
  • Callback Unavailable Rate: the percentage of unavailable calls over the selected period, broken down by week

image of Callback Performance Dashboard customer metrics

  • Repeat Customers: the percentage of all unique phone numbers that have made multiple callbacks over the selected period
  • Outcome Results: a breakdown of callback outcomes by type. The Outcomes column lists the same outcomes displayed over the period in the Callback Outcomes graph, and each successive column displays the following:
    • Callbacks
    • Retry Attempts
    • Avg Hold Duration
    • Avg Response Time Mins
  • Avg Callbacks Per Customer: a measure of how often customers contact your organization
  • Rate of Success for On-Time Callbacks: a breakdown of callback outcomes (Abandon, Canceled, Success, Unavailable) and if they were made early, late, or on time (as measured against the quoted estimated callback time)
  • Success Rate by Estimated Callback Time Accuracy: the success rate if a callback is made within an hour of the estimated callback time. The x-axis represents the deviation from the estimate in the listed increments, the y-axis represents the success rate of those callbacks during that period, and the bubble size represents the number of callbacks made within that period.

Retry Metrics

This section of the Callback Performance dashboard focuses on retry metrics.

image of Callback Performance retry metrics

  • Retry Callback Requests: the total number of callbacks with retry requests over the selected period
  • Callback Requests w/ Retry: the percentage of callback requests with retries compared to those without
  • Top 10 Retry Reasons: a breakdown of the most common reasons for retry calls. These do not necessarily represent all retry reasons. Possible values include:
    • admin forced: The callback request was made by a user via the user interface.
    • agent leg rejected: The call to the agent was rejected.
    • agent_busy: The call to the contact center resulted in a busy signal.
    • agent_hangup: The call to the contact center ended with the agent leg being disconnected.
    • agent_leg_error: The call to the contact center resulted in a telephony error.
    • agent_leg_timeout: The call to the contact center failed due to a dial timeout.
    • customer leg rejected: The call to the customer failed to connect due to a carrier rejection, likely due to an incorrect or incorrectly formatted ANI.
    • customer_busy: The call to the customer resulted in a busy signal.
    • customer_leg_error: The call to the customer failed to connect due to an error, or the call was unable to reach the terminating carrier.
    • customer_leg_timeout: The call to the customer failed due to a dial timeout.
    • customer_reschedule: The call to the customer resulted in the customer rescheduling the callback.
    • early agent hangup: (Agent First only) - The call to the customer was very brief, and a retry was triggered.
    • premature_customer_hangup: The customer disconnected the call and did not press 1 on the previous callback attempt.
    • system_ended_agent_leg: The callback ended with the system disconnecting the call to the contact center.
    • system_ended_customer_call: The callback ended with the system disconnecting the call to the customer.

image of Callback Performance retry metrics

  • Retry Attempts: a breakdown of outcomes per number of retry attempts
  • Avg Retries/Customer: the total number of retries divided by the number of customers. This should generally be less than 1.
  • Retry Callback Success Rate: the success rate of retry calls for the selected time period
  • Retry Callback Cancellation Rate: the cancellation rate for retry calls for the selected time period

Return Call Service Level Metrics

Return Call Service Level (RCSL) is an aggregate of agent delay and customer hold time. In other words, once the return call is made for a callback, RCSL is a measure of how long it takes for a customer and an agent to begin speaking.

image of Callback Performance return call service level metrics

  • Return Call Service Level (RCSL): A breakdown of RCSL into categories of 30 seconds or less, 31 to 60 seconds, and greater than 60 seconds
  • RCSL Over Time: A breakdown of average RCSL (blue bars) by week and the percentage of RCSL below 60 seconds (teal line)

Call Target Metrics

The last section of the Callback Performance dashboard has many of the metrics outlined above broken out by Call Target, allowing for a more in-depth look at how each metric is affected by each Call Target.

image of the Call Target metrics chart

The Call Targets table includes the following metrics:

Call TargetName and ID of the Call Target
Total CallbacksUnique count of total callbacks
Total CallsTotal unique calls
Punctuality RatePercentage of valid callback opportunities that were punctual
Success %Percentage of total callback requests that were successful
Unavailable %Percentage of total callback requests that were unavailable
Cancellation %Percentage of total callback requests that were cancelled
Abandoned %Percentage of total callback requests that were abandoned
RCSL % 60s or lessPercentage of total callbacks with a return call service level of 60 seconds or less
RCSL % greater than 60sPercentage of total callbacks with a return call service level of more than 60 seconds
Avg RCSLAverage return call service level
Avg Response Time Secs.Average response time in seconds
Avg Talk Duration Secs.Average talk duration in seconds
Avg Hold Duration Secs.Average hold duration in seconds

Drill down by segment

Click any Call Target name in the table to view a breakdown of stats by segment for that Call Target.

example of drilling down by segment